Program. This program provides for the search,recovery, and evacuation of remains to a processingpoint; identification and preparation of remains in amortuary; and shipment, for permanent disposition, toa final destination designated by the PNOK. TheConcurrent Return Program normally becomesoperational when large numbers of military personnelare committed to a strategic area.Remains buried in temporary cemeteries (underthe GR program or in emergencies) will normally bedisinterred and evacuated under the Concurrent ReturnProgram if conditions and capabilities permit.RETURN OF REMAINS PROGRAMThe Return of Remains Program provides forpermanent disposition of remains of persons buried intemporary cemeteries who could not be evacuatedunder the Concurrent Return Program. The Return ofRemains Program is activated only upon the enactmentof special legislation. This special legislation mayauthorize the establishment of one or more permanentAmerican cemeteries in the overseas area and maygive PNOK the option of having the remains buriedtherein or shipped to another place of their choosing.When the Return of Remains Program becomesactivated, the Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery(BUMED), is responsible for advising field activitiesof its activation.CASUALTY ASSISTANCE CALLSPROGRAMThe Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP) isadministered by the Commander, Naval MilitaryPersonnel Command (COMNAVMILPERSCOM),and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC).Although integrally related, the CACP is not part of theDecedent Affairs Program. The CACP details aCasualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO), usually acommissioned officer (although senior enlistedpersonnel may be used), to personally contact thePNOK. The CACO helps the PNOK and SNOK(secondary next of kin—children over 18, brother,etc.) with problems surrounding the death, andprovides information on such matters asdisposition of remains,death gratuity and unpaid pay and allowances,personal effects of the deceased,settlement of the decedent’s estate (wills, bankaccounts, property, savings bonds, commercialinsurance, etc.),Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI), andtravel of dependents to grave site and topermanent residence.The Navy and Marine Corps Casualty AssistanceCalls Programs are operated differently. Theindividual service instructions noted below should beconsulted for specifics.NAVPERS 15560, Naval Military PersonnelManual (MILPERSMAN)BUPERSINST 1770.3, The Navy CasualtyAssistance Calls Program (CACP) ManualMCO P3040.4, Marine Corps CasualtyProcedures Manual (MARCORCASPROC-MAN)ELIGIBILITY FOR DECEDENTAFFAIRSLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Identifyindividuals who are eligible for decedentaffairs benefits.Navy and Marine Corps members who expirewhile serving on active duty or active and inactive dutyfor training are entitled to Decedent Affairs Programbenefits. Generally, the following persons under thejurisdiction of the Department of the Navy are entitledto some decedent affair benefits: dependents, retirees,a n d c i v i l i a n e m p l o y e e s . F o r d e t a i l s , s e eNAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1, Decedent AffairsManual.NOTIFICATION OF DEATHLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify formsused to report casualties, deaths, andpersonnel missing or missing in action.As soon as possible after it is determined that acasualty has occurred, submit a casualty report inaccordance with MILPERSMAN 4210100. Whendeath occurs, complete the “Personnel CasualtyReport (Death), Report Symbol NMPC 1770-416-2
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