other services are involved, BUMED and MEDDENAffairs should be notified by priority message toensure immediate interdepartmental coordination.PROCURING MORTUARY SERVICESL E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E :R e c a l lmortuary services procurement methods, andrecognize primary and secondary burialexpenses.Mortuary services for the remains of individualseligible for Decedent Affairs Program benefits outsideCONUS are specified in local instructions. Mortuaryservices within CONUS are provided by navalactivities through annual contracts, individualpurchase orders, or by private arrangements.ANNUAL CONTRACTSAnnual contracts are awarded to funeral directorsserving the local area of activities anticipating 10 ormore deaths per year.ONE-TIME CONTRACTSOne-time contracts (individual purchase orders)are issued by an activity to a funeral home when anannual contract is not in effect.PRIVATE ARRANGEMENTSPrivate arrangements are made by the PNOK. ThePNOK should be advised of services and suppliesavailable through Navy sources and on reimbursementlimitations. Reimbursement limitations andreimbursement forms can be obtained by contactingMEDDEN Affairs or the local naval hospital’sDecedent Affairs Office.AUTHORIZED SERVICESAnnual contracts and one-time contracts coverprimary funeral expenses but do not include secondaryexpenses. NOK should be tactfully encouraged toallow the Navy to make all primary-care arrange-ments, since greater benefits can be furnishedthroughout procedures. For more informationconcerning procedures and authorized items, consultNAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1. Primary and secondaryfuneral expenses are explained in the followingsections.Primary ExpensesPrimary expenses are expenses incurred inconnection with the recovery, preparation, encase-ment, and burial of the remains. Primary expensesincludeexpenses incurred in the recovery and removalof remains,embalmment,casket and shipping case,cremation,interment,clothing (e.g., military uniform), anddelivery of the remains to a common carrierterminal, a local cemetery, or crematorium.Secondary ExpensesSecondary expenses are expenses incurred inconnection with the funeral and burial of remains.Secondary expenses includefuneral coach,transportation of relatives to the cemetery,gravesite,vault,funeral director’s services,clergyman’s services,opening and closing the grave,floral tribute, andobituary notices.PREPARATION AND PROCESSINGREMAINSL E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E :R e c a l lprocedures for preparing and processingremains.It is imperative that preservative treatment beinitiated as soon as possible after death. The navalauthority with decedent affairs responsibility shouldmaintain close coordination with appropriate militaryor civilian authorities to ensure the prompt release and16-6
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