report should be addressed and forwarded directly tothe quality assurance coordinator of the hospital.Further guidance concerning the Risk Manage-ment Program, the program that governs incidentreports, can be found in BUMEDINST 6010.21.RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATIONTwo federal statutes, the Privacy Act and theFreedom of Information Act(FOIA) combine toestablish the criteria for collecting, maintaining, andreleasing medical treatment records.Freedom of Information ActThe Freedom of Information Act governs thedisclosure of documents compiled and maintained bygovernment agencies. A written request forDepartment of the Navy records that explicitly orimplicitly refers to FOIA must be responded to inaccordance with the provisions of the Act. TheDepartment of the Navy will make available to anyperson all documents, not otherwise exempt,provided the requester reasonably describes therecords sought and promises to pay for reasonablesearch and photocopy costs. Each naval activity isresponsible for developing procedures for ensuringthe prompt handling, retrieval, and review ofrequested records. The official having responsibilityfor the records has 10 working days to respond to therequester.A naval record will be withheld only when it isexempt from disclosure under FOIA. One basis forexempting a record from disclosure applies topersonnel, medical, and similar files, the release ofwhich would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasionof personal privacy. This concern over clearlyunwarranted privacy intrusion is reflected in theprovisions of the Privacy Act.Privacy ActThe public’s concern over the inner workings andfunctioning of the government was the reason for thecreation of the FOIA. However, it became obvious thata balance had to be made between the public’s right toknow and other significant rights and interests. One ofthese competing interests was the protection of anindividual’s personal right to privacy. In response tothis need, the Privacy Act of 1974 was enacted. Thestated purpose of the Privacy Act is to establishsafeguards concerning the right to privacy byregulating the collection, maintenance, use, anddissemination of personal information by federalagencies.The Privacy Act requires federal agencies topermit an individual to know what recordspertaining to him are collected, maintained,used, or disseminated by the agency;permit an individual to prevent recordspertaining to him and obtained by the agency fora particular purpose from being used or madeavailable for another purpose without theindividual’s consent;permit an individual to gain access toinformation pertaining to him in federal agencyrecords, have a copy made for all or any portionthereof, and correct or amend such records;collect, maintain, use, or disseminate anyrecord of identifiable personal information in amanner that ensures such action is for anecessary and useful purpose, that theinformation is current and accurate, and thatadequate safeguards are provided to preventmisuse of such information;permit exemptions from the requirements of thePrivacy Act only in those cases where there isspecific statutory authority to do so; andbe subject to civil suits for any damages thatoccur as a result of willful or intentionalviolation of any individual’s rights under thePrivacy Act.In addition, any officer or employee of an agencywho willfully violates certain provisions of the PrivacyAct is subject to criminal prosecution and fines.Under the Privacy Act’s provisions concerningdisclosure of information, there are severalcircumstances under which naval treatment recordsand their contents can be disclosed. Included aredisclosures to employees of the Department of theNavy who have a need to know the information. Alsoincluded are disclosures to a person under compellingcircumstances affecting health or safety, pursuant to acourt order, and to another government agency for civilor criminal law enforcement activities. Circumstancesunder which the release of medical information isappropriate are discussed in chapter 12, HealthRecords, and in the section of this chapter concerninglaw enforcement personnel.15-10
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