assault, careful attention to psychological factors mustbe given to lessen the impact of the incident. This isespecially important when a minor is involved and thereaction of adults may be more harmful than the actualassault itself. Tactful questioning and the use ofappropriate terminology are of extreme importancethroughout the history taking and examination.OPNAVINST 1752.1, S e x u a l A s s a u l t Vi c t i mIntervention (SAVI) Program, and SECNAVINST5800.11, Victim and Witness Program, provideguidance for the care and support of victims of sexualassault.CHILD AND SPOUSE ABUSE ANDNEGLECTThe nature of child and spouse abuse and neglectrequires a careful patient history and physicalexamination to identify or rule out past and presentinjuries caused by abuse or neglect. The policies andguidelines established by the Navy Family AdvocacyProgram must be followed. This program wasdiscussed earlier in this chapter and is outlined inSECNAVINST 1752.3 and BUMEDINST 6320.70.SUMMARYRetaining our high medical standards and thequality healthcare the fleet demands, as well asproviding care for military dependents and a constantlyexpanding retiree database, requires a healthcareadministration support structure that is second to none.DEERS management and the determination of patienteligibility are crucial components and only two of theareas discussed in this chapter. Also covered were manyof the health-related programs established to benefit andsupport eligible recipients in the military community.These programs are often meant to eliminate the needfor others. Good quality assurance, for example, createsbetter patient relations, thereby minimizing legalproblems; substance abuse and family advocacyprograms identify problems before they becomeunmanageable; and the physical readiness programhelps build a healthier Sailor, thus eliminating needlesspatient visits.This chapter also provided an overview of theHospital Corpsman’s responsibilities in the area ofinteraction with legal authorities. Sexual assault,spouse and child abuse, and drug and alcohol incidentsrequire legal and medical teamwork. Many legalbattles are lost because of failure to adhere to theproper administrative procedures. As a HospitalCorpsman, you must be aware of these procedures andensure that they are followed precisely.15-13
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