CHAPTER 16DECEDENT AFFAIRS PROGRAMThe Navy’s Decedent Affairs Program consists ofsearch, recovery, identification, care, and disposition ofremains of deceased personnel for whom the Departmentof the Navy is responsible. The Decedent Affairs Programis considered a highly visible and extremely sensitiveprogram. Arrangements for the burial of the deceasedshould be conducted in an expedient but dignified manner,and survivors of the deceased should be given the greatestpossible amount of support and assistance.ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIESLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Identifymilitary activities that are responsible for themanagement of the Navy and Marine CorpsDecedent Affairs Program.The overall manager of the Navy and Marine CorpsDecedent Affairs Program is the Naval Office ofMedical/Dental (MEDDEN) Affairs, located at GreatLakes, IL. At the local level, naval hospitals and othernaval activities are responsible for inspecting remains,briefing escorts and making travel arrangements, and (forburial at sea) delivering remains to the point ofembarkation. Naval hospitals manage deaths that occurat the hospital and in their local catchment (area ofresponsibility) area. At small independent operationalunits and on board naval vessels, the responsibility formanaging the Decedent Affairs Program falls on thecommanding officer or officer-in-charge and the seniorHospital Corpsman. For this reason, Hospital Corpsmenshould have a working knowledge of decedent affairsprocedures, which are outlined in NAVMEDCOMINST5360.1, Decedent Affairs Manual.PROGRAMSLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Recall thepurpose of the Current Death Program,Graves Registration Program, ConcurrentR e t u r n P ro g r a m , R e t u r n o f R e m a i n sProgram, and the Casualty Assistance CallProgram.To carry out the various responsibilities of theDecedent Affairs Program, five programs have beenestablished. They arethe Current Death Program,the Graves Registration Program,the Concurrent Return Program,the Return of Remains Program, andthe Casualty Assistance Calls Program.CURRENT DEATH PROGRAMThe Current Death Program provides professionalmortuary services, supplies, and related servicesincident to the care and disposition of remains ofpersons eligible for these services. Under thisprogram, remains are shipped to a place designated bythe primary next of kin (PNOK), such as a spouse orparents, for permanent disposition. The decedent’spersonal effects will also be shipped to the legalrecipient. The Current Death Program is normallyoperational on a worldwide basis during peacetime,but may also be used during major conflicts.GRAVES REGISTRATION PROGRAMThe Graves Registration Program (GR orGRREG) provides for the search, recovery, evacuation(to a temporary cemetery or a mortuary), initialidentification, disposition of personal effects foundwith each deceased, and burial of deceased persons intemporary cemeteries. This program is onlyoperational when authorized by the responsiblecommander during major military operations. Whennecessary, the GR program includes the establishmentand maintenance of temporary burial sites. Detailedguidance on graves registration procedures arecontained in the Navy and Marine Corps publicationNAVMED P-5016/NAVMC 2509A, Handling ofDeceased Personnel in Theaters of Operation.CONCURRENT RETURN PROGRAMThe Concurrent Return Program combines theCurrent Death Program and Graves Registration16-1
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