Corps representative, as appropriate. Personalnotification of the PNOK will normally be madebetween 0600 and 2200, except under unusualcircumstances (e.g., the new media is expected to makea press release; or the member has been hospitalized inserious or very serious condition within CONUS, andthe NOK is already aware of the prognosis).When a death occurs within CONUS, it is theresponsibility of the member’s commanding officer tomake sure that personal notification is made. OutsideCONUS, the COMNAVMILPERSCOM will makesure that personal notification is made through theappropriate senior commander overseas.CONFIRMATION OF THE CASUALTYNotifications that are not made by telegram shouldbe confirmed by a telegram, unless the PNOK orSNOK has specifically stated that written confir-mation is not desired. This follow-up notificationshould take place within 24 hours of the personalnotification.See MILPERSMAN 4210100 for examples ofbasic telegram formats for notification andconfirmation of death. The formats are presented forguidance only, and rigid adherence is not required.CONDOLENCE LETTERCommanding officers are required to write a letterto the appropriate NOK within 48 hours of a casualty.The letter, in addition to expressions of condolence,should contain appropriate details of the casualty;however, no details should be included that are likelyto distress the NOK. A copy of the letter is sent to theCOMNAVMILPERSCOM and Office of the JudgeAdvocate General (OJAG)—Investigations Division.Example formats for condolence letters can be foundin the Decedent Affairs Manual.AUTOPSYLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Determineunder what circumstances an autopsy shouldbe performed.An autopsy will be performed on the remains of allpersons who die on active duty or active duty fortraining when the commanding officer (CO) deems itnecessary. The CO’s request may be self-initiated orbased upon the recommendation of an investigatingofficer, other fact-finding body, or a medical officer.An autopsy may be necessary to determine the truecause of death, to get information for completingmilitary records, or to protect the welfare of themilitary community.AIRCREW AUTOPSYThe M a n u a l o f t h e M e d i c a l D e p a r t m e n t(MANMED), NAVMED P-117, states that when anaircrew member dies while serving as an aircrewmember on a military aircraft, the medical officer willrecommend to the CO that an autopsy be performed todetermine the cause of death. The cause of death inthese cases is interpreted to mean any correlationbetween pathological evidence and the accident causefactor.REQUESTING PERMISSION FORAUTOPSYWhen an autopsy is desired but not mandatory, thefollowing sentence will be incorporated in the casualtynotification message that requests dispositioninstructions from the PNOK:“In the interest of medical science and to confirmmedical diagnosis, it is requested that your telegraminclude whether or not permission is granted toaccomplish mortem examination.”NONMILITARY AND RETIREDPERSONNEL AUTOPSYWhen an autopsy is deemed necessary for retiredpersonnel or nonmilitary persons who die at a navaltreatment facility or on a Navy installation, writtenauthorization from the NOK must be obtained beforeperforming the autopsy. The request for permission toperform an autopsy should be incorporated in thecasualty notification message, as noted above.SEARCH, RECOVERY, ANDIDENTIFICATIONL E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E :R e c a l lprocedures used to search for, recover, andidentify remains.The search for, recovery, and identification ofremains should be accomplished as soon as possible16-4
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