Officer/Enlisted.” For missing personnel, completethe “Personnel Casualty Report (Missing/Missing inaction), Report Symbol NMPC 1770-4 Officer/Enlisted.”PERSONNEL CASUALTY REPORTA personnel casualty report must be completed forthe following persons who become casualties:Active duty NavyRetired NavyCertain former service membersCertain military dependentsMembers of other Armed ForcesCivilians serving with or attached to NavycommandsOthers whose deaths occur on naval reservationsor aboard shipsWhen a member becomes a casualty, hiscommanding officer should submit a personnelcasualty report. However, if a service memberbecomes a casualty while away from his command, thecommand or activity that learns of the casualtyoccurring should submit the personnel casualty report.The member’s command should supplement thepersonnel casualty report that was previouslysubmitted by another command.METHOD OF REPORTING CASUALTIESPersonnel casualty reports should be sent bypriority message.Action Addressees on Personnel CasualtyReportsThe following activities should be actionaddresses on personnel casualty reports:1. Commander, Naval Military PersonnelCommand2. Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery3. Casualty Assistance Calls/Funeral HonorsSupport (CAC/FHS) Program coordinators ofthe area in which the primary and secondaryNOK reside, or the appropriate overseasCAC/FHS program coordinator4. T h e N a v a l O ff i c e o f M e d i c a l / D e n t a l(MEDDEN) AffairsInformation Addressees on Personnel CasualtyReportsThe following activities should be listed asinformation addresses on personnel casualty reports:1. Secretary of the Navy2. Navy Finance Center3. Navy Family Allowance Activity, Cleveland (ifthe member reported is in a missing status, or ifthe status is being changed from missing todeceased)4. The CAC/FHS program coordinator of the areain which the casualty occurred5. The Chief of Naval Operations (if the casualty isincidental to operations, and on all reports ofprogress in searches for missing members)6. The appropriate home port/station, typecommander, appropriate operational andadministrative commands, and the EnlistedPersonnel Management Center (EPMAC)7. The command or activity designated by theCAC/FHS program coordinator to providecasualty assistance8. The Fleet Home Town News Center9. The Naval Safety Center10. The Judge Advocate General11. The Appropriate Naval Legal Service Office (ifthe casualty is the result of other than naturalcauses)12. The Armed Forces Institute of PathologyIf the decedent was a Marine Corps member,follow the notification procedures and messageformats contained in the MARCORCASPROCMAN,MCO P3040.4.NOTIFICATION OF NEXT OF KINL E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E :R e c a l lnotification of next of kin procedures.In cases of death, primary next of kin arepersonally notified by a uniformed Navy or Marine16-3
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