ESCORTSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall criteriafor escort selection, and identify escort dutiesand responsibilities.Escorts are provided to accompany remains toensure prompt, safe delivery, as a mark of respect to thedecedent, and as an indication of the Navy’s desire tohelp the NOK. Only one escort is authorized. Morethan one may be assigned; however, two escorts maynot serve at the same time. Problems concerningarrangements for a Navy escort that cannot be resolvedby the responsible command should be referred toMEDDEN Affairs or the area commander outsideCONUS. Problems concerning Marine Corpsmembers should be referred to CMC.INSIDE CONUS ESCORTSWithin CONUS, escorts are detailed to accompanythe remains or cremains of each Navy and MarineCorps decedent to their final destination. Furnishingescorts is the responsibility of the activity arrangingtransportation of the remains or cremains. Whenselecting an escort for the deceased, the activityarranging transportation is encouraged to consult thelast duty station of the deceased.OUTSIDE CONUS ESCORTSWhen remains are consigned to a place outsideCONUS where Armed Forces representatives or othergovernment officials are not available to receive,transfer, or otherwise assist in transportationarrangements, military escorts will be provided.Unless a special escort is requested by the PNOKand approved by MEDDEN Affairs, remainstransported by AMC aircraft from a point outsideCONUS to a CONUS port of entry will not beaccompanied by an escort. The aircraft commanderwill act as the escort during the time of transport byAMC aircraft. An escort will be detailed by themilitary activity responsible for transportationarrangements at the CONUS port of entry.SELECTION OF ESCORTSAny Navy or Marine Corps member on active dutymay serve as an escort. Navy and Marine Corpsmembers who volunteer may be accepted if they meetthe criteria for selection. Unless a special escort isrequested by the NOK, the escort selected should be ofthe same branch of service, status, and paygrade of thedeceased. The escort should be a friend of thedeceased, from the same unit, and preferably of thesame religion.SPECIAL ESCORTSA special escort is defined as a person requestedspecifically by the PNOK or by his representative, or aperson assigned by an appropriate command becauseunusual circumstances prevail and such assignment isconsidered in the best interest of the naval service. Allrequests for special escorts must be referred toMEDDEN Affairs.If desired by the PNOK, a civilian or member ofanother service may be assigned as a special escort. Anescort in retired or inactive status should be treated as acivilian. All military special escorts are assignedsubject to availability as determined by their CO and,unless closely related to the deceased, generally are notauthorized outside CONUS.DUTIES OF THE ESCORTA naval escort is a representative of the Navy whowill be required to perform services of a very specialand personal nature. It is very important that theseduties are thoroughly explained to the escort.P r o v i d i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s t o t h e e s c o r t i s t h eresponsibility of the command arranging fortransportation of the remains. The Manual for Escortsof Deceased Naval Personnel, NAVPERS 15955, willassist in this function. For additional information, youshould consult NAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1.DISPOSITION OF PERSONALEFFECTSL E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E :R e c a l ldisposition of personal effects policies.All personal effects of the deceased are to becollected and inventoried, except where the memberoccupied government or public housing and the spouserequires no assistance. In the event the spouse diessimultaneously with the service member, the COcooperates with surviving relatives of the deceased andcivil authorities by providing protection for theproperty of the deceased.The CO appoints an inventory board consisting oftwo members, of which one member is normally a16-10
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