324-44.Proper first aid treatment for a patientsuffering a convulsive seizure episodeconsists of which of the followingprocedures?1.Protecting the victim from injury2.Immediately starting CPR3.Muscle massage during periods ofrigidity4.Injecting 75 to 100 mg of Demerol IMto effect relaxation4-45.The most common psychiatric emergencyis probably the suicide gesture or attempt. Basic treatment consists of all of thefollowing EXCEPT1.presenting a calm and understandingpresence2.leaving the victim alone to reflect onhis or her actions3.assuming all suicide threats are real4.treating self-inflicted wounds as anyother wound4-46.When, during childbirth, the baby’s headpresents, why should you apply gentlepressure to the head?1.To prevent an explosive delivery2.To avoid compressing the umbilicalcord3.To compress the cord to stimulate theinfant’s vital function4.To allow you time to suction themouth and nose of the infant4-47.When should the infant’s mouth and nosebe suctioned?1.If spontaneous respirations do notoccur2.When the chin clears the vaginal canal3.After the child has completelyemerged4.After clamping and cutting theumbilical cord4-48.Emergency first aid treatment for aprolapsed cord during childbirth includesall of the following EXCEPT1.decompressing the cord as much aspossible2.giving oxygen therapy3.placing the mother in the shockposition4.clamping and cutting the umbilicalcord when it presents4-49.If a prolapsed cord occurs, which of thefollowing actions should you take?1.Give the mother oxygen2.Place the mother in an extreme shockposition3.Get medical assistance4.Each of the above4-50.Poisoning is defined as contact with orexposure to a toxic substance.1.True2.False4-51.A patient presents with dilated pupils,fever, dry skin, urinary retention, decreasedbowel sounds, and increased heart rate. What toxidrome does this set of symptomssuggest?1.Narcotic2.Anticholinergic3.Withdrawal4.Non-syndrome syndrome4-52.Which of the following is the method ofchoice for a Corpsman to use to inducevomiting?1.15-30 cc of syrup of Ipecac2.2 teaspoonfuls of dry mustard in water3.2 teaspoonfuls of an active charcoalslurry4.To tickle the back of the victim’sthroat
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