294-17.How should a suspected spinal fracturevictim be transported?1.Ensure immobilization on a rigidbackboard2.Place a pillow or adequate paddingunder the neck3.Transport in the shock position4.Do all of the above4-18.Deformity at a joint, coupled with pain,discoloration, and immobility of andaround the joint, is characteristic of whichof the following disorders?1.Dislocation2.Simple fracture3.Compound fracture4.Displaced fracture4-19.Of those listed below, which joints are themost frequently dislocated?1.Sternal ribs, finger, and jaw2.Knee, hip, and elbow3.Knee, hip, shoulder, and jaw4.hip, shoulder, fingers and jaw4-20.To reduce a dislocated jaw, you should dowhich of the following?1.Pull the chin forward and down2.Have a victim open his or her mouthseveral times to affect reduction3.Grasp behind the front teeth and pullforward4.Press down behind the last molars andlift the chin4-21.In general, sprains and strains are injuriesto1.joints and muscles2.nerves and blood vessels3.bones and blood vessels4.bones and nerves4-22.The treatment for strains and sprainsincludes all of the following EXCEPT1.radiographic evaluation2.immediate application of moist heat3.immobilization and rest4.elevationIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 4-23THROUGH 4-25, USE THE “RULE OF NINES”AND FIGURE 4-48 IN THE TEXT TODETERMINE THE EXTENT OF INJURY BYBODY SURFACE AREA, AND SELECT THEMOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER FROM THELIST ABOVE BASED ON THEINFORMATION GIVEN IN THE QUESTION.4-23.A steam burn to the face, chest, abdomen,and both arms.1.A2.B3.C4.D4-24.A sunburn to the back of both legs, botharms, and the back.1.A2.B3.C4.DA. 18%B. 27%C. 31.5%D. 36%
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