304-25.A thermal burn to the left arm and front ofthe left leg.1.A2.B3.C4.D4-26.First-aid treatment for extensive seconddegree burns should include which of thefollowing treatments?1.Anesthetic ointments and transportonly2.Debridement of the wound and drydressings3.Intravenous infusion and analgesia4.Anesthetic ointments and analgesia4-27.Morphine is an acceptable analgesic inpatients with which of the followingsymptoms?1.Head injuries2.Profound respiratory distress3.Advanced shock4.Painful skin burns4-28.The usual treatment for chemical burns is toflush with copious amounts of water. Thetwo exceptions to this rule are in the case ofwhich of the following chemicals?1.Phosphoric acid and lye2.White phosphorus and carbolic acid3.Dry lime and carbolic acid4.Sulfuric acid and carbolic acid4-29.A dilute solution of which of the listedsubstances will neutralize alkali burns tothe skin?1.Alcohol2.Phenol3.Vinegar4.Baking soda4-30.First aid treatment of white phosphorusburns with partially embedded particlesincludes1.wet dressings of copper sulfate2.superficial debridement while flushingwith water3.neutralization with a dilute vinegarsolution4.neutralization with a dilute solution ofbaking soda4-31.Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustioninclude a weak rapid pulse, nausea,headache, and1.constricted pupils2.greatly increased body temperature3.cool, moist, and clammy skin4.flushed, red face4-32.The incidence of heat exposure injuries canbe minimized by all of the followingEXCEPT1.education of personnel2.environmental monitoring3.daily salt tablets4.maintenance of exhaust blowers andvents4-33.What is the most effective method ofrewarming a victim of hypothermia?1.“Buddy warming”2.Covering the victim with blankets or asleeping bag3.Hot water bottles at the neck, armpits,groin, and the chest4.Immersion in a tub of warm water4-34.An antiseptic emollient cream should beapplied to which, if any, of the followingcold injuries?1.Chilblain2.Immersion foot3.All frostbites4.None of the above. Cold injuriesshould be kept dry
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