314-35.For which, if any, of the following reasonsshould a frostbite injury remain frozen?1.To minimize the severity of pain2.Where there is a possibility ofrefreezing3.To prevent shock4.Never. Frostbite should always berewarmed as quickly as possible4-36.Which of the following is/are arecommended step(s) in treating deepfrostbite?1.Slowly rewarm frozen areas2.Break blisters to speed healing3.Gently rub injured areas to promoteblood circulation4.Comfort victim with hot tea or coffee4-37.A Corpsman may administer morphine towhich of the following patients?1.With a head injury2.In shock3.With burns from inhaled chemicals4.Hemorrhaging4-38.Reversal of a syncopal episode can often beaccomplished by what action?1.Sitting with the head between theknees2.Sitting upright3.Lying down with the head andshoulders slightly elevated4.Lying down in the reverse shockposition4-39.Which of the following methods is thequickest and easiest way of determining ifan unconscious person is a diabetic?1.Check for signs of ketoacidosis2.Determine blood sugar levels3.Look for signs of insulin use4.Search for a Medic Alert tag, bracelet,or card4-40.Of the following actions, which is theimmediate treatment for insulin shock?1.Administer an injection of insulin2.Place sugar under the victim’s tongue3.Start an intravenous solution of normalsaline4.Administer oxygen4-41.In addition to monitoring vital signs andmaking the patient comfortable, treatmentfor a stroke includes which of the followingprocedures?1.Administering analgesics to relievepain2.Giving oxygen therapy3.Giving a rapid infusion of a 5 percentdextrose solution4.Giving a 0.3cc injection of epinephrinefor vasoconstriction4-42.Initial first aid treatment for an attack ofangina pectoris includes reassurance,monitoring of vital signs, and1.initiating CPR2.giving sublingual nitroglycerin3.advise the patient to return to dutywhen pain abates4.giving a 0.3cc of epinephrine IM toincrease heart rate4-43.First aid treatment for acute myocardialinfarction without cardiac arrest includes allof the following EXCEPT1.giving oxygen therapy2.monitoring vital signs3.starting an intravenous infusion of onlynormal saline4.transporting to a medical treatmentfacility
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