284-9.Of the following statements concerning theappropriate length for a splint, which isaccurate?1.A splint should be long enough toreach from the fracture to the jointbelow the fracture2.A splint should be long enough toreach from the fracture to the jointabove and below the fracture3.A splint should be long enough toreach past the joints above and belowthe fracture4.The length of a splint is immaterial4-10.After applying a splint to a fracturedforearm, you notice the fingers develop abluish tinge and are cool to touch. Whatshould you do?1.Elevate the arm2.Apply warm compresses3.Loosen the splint4.Remove the splint4-11.What is the primary reason for splintingfractures?1.To prevent further injury2.To control hemorrhage3.To reduce swelling4.To increase blood circulation4-12.To fit well and provide adequateimmobilization, a splint must have which ofthe attributes listed?1.Be well padded at body contact areas2.Be twice as wide as the injured limb3.Be strong, rigid, and applied tightly4.Be applied by two people4-13.The proper first aid treatment for a fractureof the humerus near the shoulder is to1.apply a splint to the outside and one tothe inside of the upper arm, bandagethe arm to the body and support theforearm in a sling2.apply a splint to the outside of the arm,bandage the arm to the body, andsupport the forearm in a sling3.place a pad or folded towel in thearmpit, bandage the arm to the body,and support the forearm in a sling4.splint the arm in the position you findit and bandage the arm securely to thebody4-14.When applying a splint to immobilize afractured patella, where should you placeextra padding?1.Around the knee and under thebuttocks2.Under the knee and above the heel3.Under the knee and under the thigh4.Around the knee and under the calf4-15.What is the most important consideration intreating a mandibular fracture?1.Immediate immobilization2.Ensuring a patent airway3.Realignment of the jaw4.Control of pain4-16.Of the following actions, which is of primeimportance when dealing with a headinjury?1.Determine if the skull is fractured2.Assume cervical spine damage3.Administer pain medication4.Remove impaled objects
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