35IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 4-72 AND4-73, REFER TO THE TABLE ABOVE. MATCH THE TOXICITY LEVEL WITHTHE PROTECTION LEVEL REQUIRED,AS DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.4-72.Full body protection and sealed equipment.1.02.1 and 23.3 and 44.4 only4-73.Protection level C.1.02.1 and 23.34.44-74.The Corpsman should give special attentionto which of the following requirementswhile working in the command sub-zone?1.Work in low geographic areas to avoidtoxic fumes2.Decontaminate victims and equipmentoutside of the hazard zone3.Stay upwind and upgrade of theincident site4.Collect a sample of the hazardousmaterial for later examination4-75.What patient decontamination procedure isthe most frequently used?1.Absorption2.Chemical wash3.Dilution4.Disposal and isolationLevelHealthHazard0Little or none1 and 2Slight3Extreme4Deadly
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