27ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment:“Emergency Medical Care Procedures,” chapter 4, pages 4-38 to 4-71; "Poisoning,Drug Abuse, and Hazardous Material Exposure," chapter 5, pages 5-1 to 5-26.4-1.Appropriate treatment for a sucking chestwound includes all of the followingEXCEPT1.giving oral fluids2.administering oxygen therapy3.treating for shock4.placing the victim on the injured side4-2.Of the following, which is an appropriatetreatment for a protruding abdominalwound?1.Giving oral fluids2.Replacing the intestines in theabdominal cavity3.Applying a dry compress4.Treating for shock4-3.Which of the following statements is trueabout the viral disease known as rabies?1.It is found only in household pets2.It is usually fatal in man3.It is treatable with standard antibiotics4.It is transmittable only through animalbites4-4.What procedure should be followed withrespect to an animal bite?1.Cauterize to prevent infection2.Close with nylon sutures3.Clean with standard antiseptics4.Clean with soap and water4-5.Immediate suturing of a wound iscontraindicated if the wound has which ofthe following characteristics?1.It is a puncture wound2.There is edema and/or discharge3.It is a deep or gaping wound4.Any of the above4-6.An alternate name for an absorbable suturematerial is1.dermalon2.gut3.sick4.nylon4-7.In administering anesthesia, the preferredmethod is to inject the agent directly into avein or artery located within 1/2 inch of awound.1.True2.False4-8.Which of the following is/are arecommended step(s) in performing adelayed wound closure?1.Use dressing forceps while suturing2.Convert jagged edges to smooth beforesuturing3For best cosmetic effect, place suturesfurther apart4.1 and 3 only
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