142-43.In general anesthesia, a stimulation of vitalsigns is evidence of what level ofanesthesia induction?1.Stage 12.Stage 23.Stage 34.Stage 42-44.Dropping a metal basin on the operatingroom floor may cause a violent responsefrom a general anesthesia patient in whatstage of anesthesia?1.Stage 12.Stage 23.Stage 34.Stage 42-45.In the immediate postoperative recoveryphase, a patient’s skin color may beindicative of all of the following EXCEPT1.the patient’s ability to recover from theanesthetic agent2.postoperative hemorrhage3.degradation of respiratory function4.the development of shock2-46.When permitted, postoperative patientsshould be encouraged to ambulate toimprove the functions of which of thefollowing physiologic systems?1.Renal system2.Digestive system3.Cardiopulmonary system4.All of the above2-47.When caring for a young, otherwise healthyorthopedic patient requiringimmobilization, the healthcare provider cananticipate all of the following EXCEPT1.symptoms of emotional stress2.frequent complaints of sore or achingpain3.periods of dizziness associated withdisorientation4.a deterioration of skin tone andfunction2-48.Unless otherwise directed by the physician,when one is applying a cast to an arm, thepatient’s wrists is generally in which of thefollowing positions?1.Extended about 10 degrees2.In the neutral position3.Flexed about 30 degrees4.In any of the above; specific position isimmaterial2-49.A patient who has been fitted with a castshould be instructed to return to the medicaltreatment facility as soon as possible underwhich of the following circumstances?1.The cast becomes soiled2.The extremity affected by the cast isnumb3.The itching becomes unbearable4.The cast gets wet2-50.In the theory of death and dying, it issuggested that most people exhibit fivestages. The stage where the terminalpatient becomes concerned about the stateof his or her affairs and family members isknown as the stage of1.denial2.acceptance3.bargaining4.depression
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