122-26.In the communication process, listening is acritical skill and can be improved bydeveloping which, if any, of the followingattitudes and behaviors?1.Anticipating what the patient will say2.Minimizing distractions3.Taking notes4.None of the above2-27.The purpose of therapeutic communicationincludes all of the following EXCEPT1.assessing behavior and modifying ifappropriate2.educating a patient regarding healthand health care3.providing information on how to get tothe appropriate clinic for treatment4.obtaining information to determine apatient’s illnessTO ANSWER QUESTIONS 2-28 THROUGH2-31, SELECT FROM THE LIST ABOVE THETERM THAT MOST APTLY APPLIES TOTHE REQUIREMENT PRESENTED.2-28.Developing a patient’s history of acomplaint.1.A2.B2-29.Explaining the necessities and methods ofpersonal hygiene to the parent of a youngpatient.1.A2.B2-30.Providing self-care instructions to a patientreleased to convalescent leave.1.A2.B2-31.Directing the patient to the pharmacy to filla prescription.1.A2.B2-32.Which of the following are goals of patienthealth education?1.Promoting patient self-care2.Promoting behavior modification3.Influencing a patient’s attitude towardhealth and disease4.All the above2-33.Patient education is the responsibility of1.the members of the commandeducation and training department2.only the physician and nurses for thepatient3.all members of the healthcare team4.the outpatient staff and clinicsupervisor onlyTO ANSWER QUESTIONS 2-34 THROUGH2-38, SELECT FROM THE ABOVE LIST THETYPE(S) OF OBSERVATION(S) THAT MOSTACCURATELY APPLY(S) TO THESCENARIO DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.A. Contact pointcommunicationB. Therapeutic communicationKind(s)ofobservation(s)A. Subjective onlyB. Objective onlyC. Both subjective andobjective
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