9ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment:“Anatomy and Physiology,” chapter 1—continued, pages 48-63; “Fundamentals ofPatient Care,” chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-39.2-1.The conversion of mechanical impulses(sound waves) to neural impulses that canbe interpreted by the brain is a function ofthe1.endolymph2.semicircular canals3.organ of Corti4.fenestra ovalis2-2.The enzymatic action of amylase results inthe chemical breakdown of1.fats to fatty acids2.starches to fats3.starches to complex sugars4.proteins to complex sugars2-3.Absorption of food occurs predominantly inwhich of the following areas of theintestines?1.Duodenum2.Jejunum3.Ileum4.Cecum2-4.Of the organs listed below, which functionas the accessory organs of digestion for thesmall intestines?1.Pancreas, liver, villae2.Spleen, liver, gallbladder3.Pancreas, pylorus, spleen4.Pancreas, liver, gallbladder2-5.The gallbladder performs which of thefollowing purposes?1.Stimulates the production of insulin2.Stores bile3.Metabolizes sugars4.Produces antibodies2-6.The functional unit of the kidney is calledthe1.nephron2.Malpighian body3.glomerulus4.loop of Henle2-7.Which of the following is/are (a)function(s) of the kidneys?1.To maintain acid-base balance2.To remove certain toxic substances3.To remove excess sugar4.All the above2-8.Blood concentration varies due to which, ifany, of the following factors?1.Temperature2.Water intake3.State of health4.None of the above2-9.What is the approximate total capacity ofthe adult bladder?1.250 ml2.300 ml3.600 ml4.750 ml
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