132-34.In the emergency room, you are examininga patient who suddenly vomits and tells youhe has been feeling nauseous for the pastseveral hours.1.A2.B3.C2-35.A patient claims to have swallowed manypills and complains of sleepiness andnausea.1.A2.B3.C2-36.An EKG performed on a patient isinterpreted as normal and the patient’sbreathing improves with oxygen therapy.1.A2.B3.C2-37.A patient complains of chest pain and hasdifficulty breathing.1.A2.B3.C2-38.When picking up a patient’s dinner tray,you notice that only the liquids have beenconsumed at this meal, although the patienthas normally eaten full meals before this.1.A2.B3.C2-39.A medical patient is prescribed therapeuticbed rest primarily for what reason?1.To inhibit the development ofcirculatory problems2.To prevent depression and apathy3.To prevent further damage to bodysystems4.To inhibit the development ofrespiratory problems2-40.A health care provider can reasonablyexpect that all patients admitted for surgicalprocedures will exhibit which of thefollowing characteristics?1.Be very demanding2.Be apathetic and passive3.Exhibit violent behavior4.Be fearful and anxious2-41.SF 522, Request for Administration ofAnesthesia and for Performance ofOperations and other Procedures, isnormally signed by a parent, legal guardian,or spouse EXCEPT when the patient is1.able to do so2.over 16 years of age but under 183.over 18 years of age but under 214.a member of the Armed Forces2-42.When a regional anesthetic is administered,the patient can expect what effect?1.Motor, but not sensory perception willdiminish2.Pain will be reduced or eliminated inthe body part injected or swabbed3.Level of consciousness will decline4.The entire body will become numb
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