152-51.Patient falls may be avoided by takingwhich of the following preventivemeasures?1.Proper use of bed/gurney siderails2.Keeping floors dry and uncluttered3.Instructing patients on the proper useof walking aids (crutches, canes, etc.)4.All of the above2-52.Electrical and electronic equipment posessignificant injury hazards. Of thefollowing, which is the authorized means ofreducing this hazard?1.Repairing frayed cords with electricaltape to prevent shock2.Informing the staff of defectiveequipment3.Having medical repair performelectrical safety checks on allequipment4.Using only two-prong, nongroundedelectrical plugs2-53.Skin contact burns can be caused byicebags or hypothermia blankets.1.True2.False2-54.During a fire evacuation, which of thefollowing procedures is NOT consideredappropriate?1.Immediately remove patients to safety2.Close all windows and doors3.Turn off all oxygen equipment notnecessary to sustain life4.Clear all possible exits2-55.Because of its nonstatic qualities, the mostacceptable material for use in the operatingroom is1.wool2.synthetic fabrics3.untreated synthetic/cotton blends4.100% cotton2-56.Documentation and analysis of all accidentsand injuries is provided for which of thefollowing reasons?1.To forestall negligence or malpracticesuits2.To identify and punish the responsibleperson(s)3.To identify and correct safetydeficiencies4.All of the above2-57.Environmental hygiene is directed towardproducing a healthy environment andincludes such practices as maintaining unitcleanliness and1.providing for adequate ventilation2.limiting noise levels3.proper disposal of soiled articles4.all of the above2-58.What source is considered the mostfrequent reservoir of infectious agentspathogenic to man?1.Soil2.Animals3.Man4.PlantsTO ANSWER ITEMS 2-59 THROUGH 2-62,SELECT FROM THE ABOVE LIST THESITUATIONAL ELEMENT THAT MOSTCLOSELY MATCHES THE CHAIN OFINFECTION LINK GIVEN IN THEQUESTION AS IT APPLIES TO THEFOLLOWING SCENARIO.A. Corpsman’s handsB. PatientC. Abdominal woundD. Furuncle
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