102-10.Testosterone production is a function ofwhich of the following glands?1.Cowper’s2.Prostate3.Testes4.Bulbourethral2-11.Which of the following is/are consideredthe primary female reproductive organs?1.Ovaries2.Fallopian tubes3.Uterus4.Endometrium2-12.Fertilization of an ovum normally takesplace in the1.ovaries2.fallopian tubes3.uterus4.vagina2-13.The concepts of health include1.the absence of disease or disability2.soundness of mind, body, and spirit3.both 1 and 2 above4.a feeling of euphoria2-14.Patient rights and responsibilities arestandards addressed by what organization?1.Commander, Navy Medical Command(formerly Bureau of Medicine andSurgery)2.American Medical Association (AMA)3.Joint Commission on Accreditation ofHealthcare Organizations (JCAHO)4.National League of Nursing (NLN)2-15.The limitations imposed upon a healthcareprovider are based on local regulations andwhich of the following elements?1.The rating’s occupational standards2.The rate training manual3.The provider’s training and experience4.All of the above2-16.In the healthcare field, accountabilitymeans that providers1.are held responsible for their actions2.must continue their education in thehealthcare field3.are bound by a code of ethics4.all the above2-17.A patient requests your advice or opinionconcerning the care or proposed care (s)heis undergoing. Which, if any, of thefollowing is the appropriate response?1.Answer honestly, to the best of yourability2.Refer the patient to the nurse orphysician responsible for his/her care3.Say you'll ask your supervisor4.None of the above2-18.Personal and medical information learnedabout a patient as the result of your positionas a Hospital Corpsman is privileged andmust not be divulged to unauthorizedindividuals.1.True2.False
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