41-30.A decreased red blood cell (RBC) countcould be the result of a medical conditionaffecting the1.compact bone2.periosteum3.yellow marrow4.red marrow1-31.Blood of the average female adult contains(a) how many million RBCs per (b) whatunit? 1.(a) 4.5 (b) mm32.(a) 6.0 (b) cm33.(a) 4.5 (b) 14.(a) 4.5 (b) low power field1-32.A white blood cell (WBC) count of 18,000may indicate what condition?1.Leukocytosis2.Normalcy3.Infection4.Vetiligo1-33.In an accident victim suffering from afibrinogen deficiency, the rescuer may havedifficulty performing which of the actionslisted below?1.Controlling hemorrhage2.Immobilizing a fracture3.Supporting respiratory function4.Reducing a dislocation1-34.In addition to preventing excessive bloodloss, the formation of a blood clot serveswhich, if any, of the following purposes?1.To convert fibrinogen into bloodserum to aid healing2.To form the foundation for new tissuegrowth3.To manufacture leukocytes4.None of the above1-35.The valves of the heart include all of thefollowing EXCEPT1.atrial2.mitral3.tricuspid4.pulmonary1-36.Oxygenated blood is carried by which ofthe following vein(s)?1.Inferior vena cava2.Superior vena cava3.Portal4.Pulmonary1-37.The contraction phase of the heart is1.systole2.tension3.diastole4.active1-38.The pulse pressure is the differencebetween which of the followingmeasurements?1.Venous and arterial pressure2.Resting and active pulse rate3.Arterial and ventricular pressure4.Systole and diastole1-39.The venous system that carries digestedmaterials from the intestinal tract is calledthe1.portal2.pulmonary3.abdominal4.pelvic1-40.Lymph nodes participate in all of thefollowing functions EXCEPT1.manufacture of white blood cells2.filtration of bacterial debris3.production of hormones4.collection of large protein molecules
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