The average amount of urine an adult excretesvaries from 1,000 to 1,500 ml per day. However, theamount of urine excreted varies greatly withtemperature, water intake, and state of health. Nomatter how much water one drinks, the blood willalways remain at a constant concentration, and theexcess water will be excreted by the kidneys. A largewater intake does not put a strain on the kidneys.Instead it eases the load of concentration placed on thekidneys.URETERSThe ureters' only function is to carry urine fromeach kidney to the urinary bladder. The ureters are twomembranous tubes 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter and about25 cm in length. Urine is transported through theureters by peristaltic waves (produced by the ureter'smuscular walls).URINARY BLADDERThe urinary bladder functions as a temporaryreservoir for urine. The bladder possesses features thatenable urine to enter, be stored, and later be releasedfor evacuation from the body.StructureThe bladder is a hollow, expandable, muscularorgan located in the pelvic girdle (fig. 1-59). Althoughthe shape of the bladder is spherical, its shape is alteredby the pressures of surrounding organs. When it isempty, the inner walls of the bladder form folds. But asthe bladder fills with urine, the walls becomesmoother.The internal floor of the bladder includes atriangular area called the trigone (fig. 1-59). Thetrigone has three openings at each of its angles. Theureters are attached to the two posterior openings. Theanterior opening, at the apex of the trigone, contains afunnel-like continuation called the neck of the bladder.The neck leads to the urethra.The wall of the bladder consists of four bundles ofsmooth muscle fibers. These muscle fibers, interlaced,form the detrusor muscle (which surrounds thebladder neck) and comprise what is called the internalurethral sphincter. The internal urethral sphincterprevents urine from escaping the bladder until thepressure inside the bladder reaches a certain level.Parasympathetic nerve fibers in the detrusor musclefunction in the micturition (urination) process. The1-56HM3F0159BURETERURETERURINARYBLADDERURINARYBLADDERDETRUSOR MUSCLE(INTERNAL URETHRALSPHINCTER)PROSTATEGLANDBULBOURETHRALGLANDPENISEXTERNALURETHRALORIFICEEXTERNALURETHRALORIFICEPENILEURETHRAPROSTATICURTHRATRIGONETRIGONEAMEMBRANOUSURETHRAURETHRAFigure 1-59.—Urinary bladder and urethra:A. Frontal section of the female urinary bladder and urethra;B. Frontal section of the male urinary bladder and urethra.
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