506-57.To properly perform the RPR Card Test,the serum sample should be from arterialblood that has been separated from theblood cells as soon after collection aspossible.1.True2.False6-58.Which of the following actions isconsidered appropriate if a patient’s RPR isreactive?1.Give patient penicillin2.Send patient to lab for further testing3.Counsel patient against engaging inunsafe sex4.Report results of RPR to patient’scommanding officer6-59.Which of the following chemicalpreparations is frequently used to detectfungi?1.Hydrogen sulfoxide2.Hydrogen peroxide3.Potassium hydroxide4.Potassium sulfate6-60.The best urine specimen is that takenduring which of the following times?1.First morning2.Random3.Fasting4.24 hour6-61.For a 24-hour urine specimen collection,which of the following statements isINCORRECT?1.Discard the first specimen2.Add a preservative after the firstspecimen has been obtained3.Discard the last specimen4.Refrigerate the specimen during thecollection period6-62.What purpose does toluene serve whenused in conjunction with a urine specimen?1.It increases the albumin2.It dissolves unwanted cells3.It protects the specimen fromdecomposition4.It dissolves the albumin6-63.Which of the following colors would beconsidered abnormal in a urine specimen?1.Colorless2.Amber3.Straw4.RedTO ANSWER ITEMS 6-64 THROUGH 6-67,SELECT FROM THE ABOVE LIST THEMOST PROBABLE CAUSATIVE AGENTTHAT WOULD PRODUCE THE URINECOLOR STATED IN THE QUESTION.6-64.Milky.1.A2.B3.C4.D6-65.Dark orange.1.A2.B3.C4.DA. Pyridium®B. BileC. BloodD. Fats (chyle)
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