537-10.First aid treatment for blood agents is amylnitrite ampules followed by which of thecompounds listed below?1.Oral potassium chloride2.Oral sodium thiosulfate3.Intravenous potassium chloride4.Intravenous sodium thiosulfate7-11.The symbol for phosgene gas is1.C12.CN3.CG4.CK7-12.Which of the following odors is an earlyindication of exposure to phosgene gas incasualty-producing amounts?1.Bitter almonds2.A freshly mown lawn3.Geraniums4.None of the above. Phosgene isundetectable7-13.The chemical agent that primarily affectsthe higher regulatory functions of the CNSis represented by which of the followingsymbols?1.AC2.BZ3.CN4.CS7-14.Exposure to fresh air and allowing wind toblow across wide open eyes is generallysufficient treatment for which of thefollowing agents?1.Psychochemicals2.Lacrimators3.Vomiting agents4.Glycolates7-15.With exposure to Adamsite, which, if any,of the following actions must be taken tominimize or inhibit the symptoms ofexposure?1.Don a protective mask and continueduties as vigorously as possible2.Give an intramuscular injection ofphysostigmine3.Give an intravenous infusion ofsodium thiosulfate4.Do none of the above7-16.What is the proper treatment for burningwhite phosphorus particles embedded inthe skin?1.Surgical removal followed by acopper sulfate wet dressing2.A copper sulfate rinse then surgicalremoval3.A copper sulfate rinse only4.Allowing them to burn out7-17.By what means can biological agents canbe detected?1.Physical senses2.Chemical detectors3.Laboratory examination4.All of the above7-18.When entering an area known to becontaminated with biological agents,which of the following actions should betaken?1.Put on gloves, if available2.Button up clothing3.Put on a protective mask4.Do all of the above
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