456-9.All of the following are components of themicroscope’s illumination system EXCEPT1.internal light source2.condenser3.external light source4.iris diaphragm6-10.The total magnification available by usingthe lens color coded red is1.1000X2.450X3.100X4.10X6-11.Light travels from the objective to theocular lens through what component of themicroscope?1.Body tube2.Iris diaphragm3.High-powered lens4.Revolving nosepiece6-12.What objective should be used for adetailed study of stained bacterial smears?1.Low power2.High dry3.Oil immersion4.Either 2 or 3 above6-13.If necessary, which, if any, of the followingsubstances may be used for cleaning thelenses on a microscope?1.Alcohol2.Bleach3.Xylene4.None of the above6-14.A CBC includes which of the following?1.Total RBC count2.Hematocrit3.Differential WBC count4.All of the above6-15.The hemacytometer is designed primarilyfor what purpose?1.To differentiate between red bloodcells and white blood cells2.To count white blood cells3.To count red blood cells4.Both 2 and 36-16.The main reason for using the cover glassincluded with the hemacytometer instead ofan ordinary cover glass is because thehemacytometer cover glass1.is clearer2.has an even surface3.is thicker4.is less likely to break6-17.A subnormal RBC count may indicate thatthe patient has which of the following listedconditions?1.Leukopenia2.Anemia3.Dehydration4.Uremia6-18.What is the total capacity of the capillarypipette provided in a Unopette® for RBCcount?1.0.5µl2.1.0µl3.10.0µl4.100.0µl6-19.Which of the following conditions indicatesthat the counting chamber is properlyloaded?1.There is a thin, even film of fluidunder the coverglass2.The fluid flows into the grooves at theedges of the chamber3.Air bubbles are seen in the field4.The chamber is flooded
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