547-19.What is the appropriate procedure tofollow when biological agents are knownto have been placed in your drinkingwater?1.Double the amount of chlorine in thewater2.Double the time the water is exposedto the chlorine3.Boil the water before you drink any ofit4.Refrain from drinking the water7-20.Presenting a serious internal radiationhazard, alpha particles can enter the bodythrough which of the following?1.The digestive system2.The respiratory system3.Open wounds4.Any of the above7-21.Of the following, which type of radiationhas the greatest penetrating power?1.Alpha2.Beta3.Gamma4.Neutron7-22.In the event of a nuclear detonation, whatis the best position to assume?1.Sitting, with the knees drawn up to thechest, facing away from the blast2.Face down, with your face covered3.On your side, in a fetal position facingaway from the blast4.Supine, with your face covered7-23.The treatment of thermal burns from anuclear detonation differs from moreconventional burn wounds in which, if any,of the following ways?1.Conventional burn wounds aregenerally less serious2.Conventional burn wounds are morelikely to become infected3.Burns resulting from a nucleardetonation are more painful4.There is no difference7-24.When using antibiotics for victims ofradiation injuries, what is therecommended dosage?1.One-half of the normal dosage2.The normal dosage3.Two times the normal dosage4.Three times the normal dosage7-25.Approximately what number of caloriesmust be burned or consumed for theaverage individual to lose or gain onepound?1.1,5002.2,0003.3,5004.5,0007-26.Which of the following nutritive elementsare considered the "building blocks" of thebody?1.Fats2.Carbohydrates3.Minerals4.Proteins7-27.What happens to protein consumed that isin excess of body requirements?1.Used to supply energy only2.Changed into fat only3.Both 1 and 24.Excreted from the body throughelimination
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