49TO ANSWER ITEMS 6-49 THROUGH 6-53,SELECT FROM THE ABOVE LIST THECONDITION MOST PROBABLY CAUSED BYTHE AGENT LISTED IN THE QUESTION.6-49.Bordetella pertussis.1.A2.C3.E4.F6-50.Streptococcus pneumoniae.1.A2.B3.C4.E6-51.Yersinia pestis.1.B2.C3.D4.E6-52.Clostridium perfringens.1.A2.C3.D4.F6-53.Staphylococcus aureus.1.A2.D3.E4.F6-54.In the Gram’s stain procedure, which of thefollowing chemicals acts as the mordant?1.Crystal violet2.Safranin3.Iodine4.Acetone6-55.All of the following statements are trueabout antigens EXCEPT that an antigen1.is inherently unstable structurally2.must be foreign to the body3.possesses a high molecular weight4.has a high specificity to stimulatetissues to produce antibodies6-56.The Rapid Plasma Reagin test for syphilisis best used with what type of specimen?1.Serum2.Plasma3.Whole blood4.Either serum or plasmaA. ImpetigoB. PlagueC. PneumoniaD. Gas gangreneE. Strep throatF. Whooping cough
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