44ASSIGNMENT 6Textbook Assignment:“Clinical Laboratory,” chapter 7, pages 7-1 to 7-36.6-1.Which of the following, if any, isconsidered the most appropriate source forblood specimens obtained for clinicalexamination?1.By venipuncture2.By finger puncture3.From an artery4.None of the above6-2.Using the steps below, determine thecorrect sequence for obtaining blood byfinger puncture.a. Clean fingerb. Lance fingerc. Milk fingerd. Collect specimene. Wipe away first drop1.a, b, c, e, d2.c, b, e, a, d3.a, c, b, e, d4.c, a, b, e, d6-3.When performing a finger puncture, thefirst drop should be wiped away to avoidwhich of the following conditions?1.Bacterial contamination2.Clotting at the puncture site3.Dilution of the specimen with alcohol4.Dilution of the specimen with tissuefluids6-4.How would a 5 ml blood specimen beobtained from a patient with an intravenousantibiotic being given through the left armand blood being received through the rightarm?1.Multiple finger punctures2.Left arm3.Right arm4.Hand or foot6-5.A tourniquet applied to the arm duringvenipuncture should provide enoughtension to compress the artery, but not thevein.1.True2.False6-6.The correct needle position forvenipuncture is (a) what degree angle and(b) with the bevel in what position?1.(a) 15, (b) up2.(a) 30, (b) up3.(a) 15, (b) down4.(a) 30, (b) down6-7.A tourniquet is normally applied before andto aid in the process of venipuncture. Atwhat point in the venipuncture procedureshould you remove the tourniquet?1.Just before needle insertion2.Just after needle insertion, but before 3.Once all specimens have beencollected4.After needle removal6-8.The part of the microscope on which theprepared specimen is placed forexamination is called the1.arm2.base3.frame4.stage
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