405-39.Eutexia is an example of what type of drugincompatibility manifestation?1.Chemical2.Physical3.Therapeutic4.2 and 3 above5-40.A properly administered drug dosage thathas an unintended and noxious effect on thepatient is the definition of which of thefollowing terms?1.Contraindication2.Drug interaction3.Adverse reaction4.Therapeutic incompatibility5-41.In the prescription block of DD 1289, whatpart lists the names and quantities of theingredients prescribed?1.Superscription2.Inscription3.Subscription4.Signa5-42.If, in the course of filling a prescription,you feel that there may be a discrepancy orincompatibility, you should take which ofthe following actions?1.Let the patient know that youdiscovered an error and will bechecking with the prescriber beforefilling the prescription2.Consult the prescriber to verify theprescription3.Both 1 and 24.Fill the prescription as written5-43.Which of the following is a schedule IIIdrug?1.Marijuana2.An antitussive3.Amphetamines4.Nonbarbiturate sedative5-44.What schedule of drug can never beordered with refills?1.II2.III3.IV4.V5-45.Which of the following is abronchomucotropic agent?1.Petrolatum2.Guaifenesin3.Benzoate4.Phenol5-46.Aluminum acetate, an astringent, is oftenused to treat which of the followingconditions listed below?1.Athlete’s foot2.External otitis3.Poison ivy4.All of the above5-47.In conjunction with antacids, which of thefollowing is used to treat duodenal ulcers?1.Dimenhydrinate2.Diphenhydramine hydrochloride3.Ranitidine4.Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride5-48.Which of the following drugs isadministered to control motion sickness?1.Cimetidine2.Meclizine hydrochloride3.Chlorpheniramine maleate4.Dephenhydramine hydrochloride5-49.In addition to being an antacid, magnesiumhydroxide may be used as a/an1.emollient2.laxative3.demulcent4.astringent
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