425-62.In addition to the treatment of Phthirus,which of the following is effective in thetreatment of scabies?1.Nystatin2.Miconazole nitrate3.Permethrin4.Metronidazole5-63.Trichomonas vaginalis can be treated with1.crotamiton2.metronidazole3.fansidar4.mebendazole5-64.Drugs that destroy parasitic worms areknown as1.ambecides2.vermicides3.germicides4.bactericides5-65.The drug of choice for the treatment andmanagement of grand mal seizures is1.methylphenidate hydrochloride2.phenobarbital3.phenytoin sodium4.any psychotropic agent5-66.Prochlorperizine is used mainly to1.treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting2.alleviate symptoms of tension,agitation, and psychosis3.counteract the effects of alcoholwithdrawal4.relieve respiratory distress5-67.Muscle relaxants include all of thefollowing EXCEPT1.methocarbamol2.diazepam3.cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride4.temazepam5-68.Digitoxin increases the force of cardiaccontraction by acting on the1.vagus nerve2.valves of the heart3.heart muscle4.blood vessels5-69.Of the following, which is an appropriatedrug to administer to a patient suffering anasthma attack?1.Amyl nitrite2.Epinephrine3.Phenylephrine hydrochloride4.Atropine5-70.The vitamin deficiency associated withnight blindness is1.vitamin A2.vitamin B63.vitamin Bl24.vitamin K5-71.A deficiency of which of the followingcould lead to inflammation, cracking of thelips, or vision problems?1.Retinol2.Thiamine3.Riboflavin4.Ascorbic acid5-72.Which of the following is the vitamininvolved in absorption and use of calciumand phosphorus?1.Vitamin A2.Vitamin B13.Vitamin C4.Vitamin D5-73.The agent used to treat pernicious anemia is1.cyanocobalamin2.ascorbic acid3.vitamin D4.vitamin K
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