395-30.You have 360 grams of a compound. If 54grams of the compound is silver nitrite,what is the percentage of silver nitrite? FOR ITEMS 5-31 AND 5-32 ISAS FOLLOWS: ASSUME THAT THEFOLLOWING IS THE CORRECT FORMULAFOR COMPOUNDING 1,000 ML OFPOTASSIUM ARSENATE SOLUTION.Arsenic trioxide…………………….. 12.8 gPotassium bicarbonate……………… 9.8 gAlcohol……………………………... 40.0 mlDistilled water, q.s. to make 1000….. 0 ml5-31.You receive a prescription for 285 ml of thepreceding formula. How many millilitersof alcohol should you use in compoundingthe prescription? you receive a prescription for 1,800 ml ofthe preceding formula, how many grams ofarsenic trioxide will you use?1.7.802.19.403. patient is to receive 1.8 million units ofoxycillin IM. Using quantity sufficientsterile water to reconstitute a vial of 2.4million units to 2 ml, how much of thesolution should the patient receive?1.1.0 ml2.1.25 ml3.1.50 ml4.1.75 ml5-34.A patient is to receive a 3/4 gr dose ofPhenobarbital. If you dissolve two 1/2 grtablets of Phenobarbital in 30 ml of water,how much of the solution should the patientreceive?1.15.0 ml2.17.5 ml3.20.0 ml4.22.5 ml5-35.How many grams of sodium chloride arerequired to prepare 1 liter of a 1:5000solution? the following types of pharmaceuticalpreparations, which incorporates finelypowdered medicinal substances into a fattybase?1.Lotion2.Suspension3.Ointment4.Elixir5-37.All pharmacies that dispense medicationsare required to have what Class balance?1.A2.B3.C4.D5-38.What drug incompatibility occurs whenagents antagonistic to one another areprescribed together?1.Therapeutic2.Physical3.Chemical4.1 and 3 above
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