Department personnel are not assigned, the CO mayassign custody of the health records to the localrepresentatives of the Medical Department whogenerally furnish medical support. The custody ofhealth record by an individual is not permitted.Health records are subject to inspection at any timeby the commanding officer, superiors in the chain ofcommand, the fleet medical officer, or other authorizedinspectors. The health record is for official use only,and adequate security and custodial care are required.There are many methods of providing adequatesecurity and custodial control of health records. Ingeneral, health records should be stored in such amanner as to be inaccessible to the crew or generalpublic. No records or record pages should be leftunattended. This precaution also helps to prevent lossor misplacement of records.Medical Department personnel will maintain aHealth Records Receipt, File Chargeout, andDisposition Record, NAVMED 6150/7, for each healthrecord in their custody. The completed charge out formshould be retained in the file until the record isreturned.Medical officers or MDRs are responsible for thecompleteness of required health record entries whilethe record remains in their custody.CROSS-SERVICING HEALTH RECORDSThe HREC of a Navy or Marine Corps member isnormally serviced by personnel of the MedicalDepartment of the Navy. However, if a Navy orMarine Corps member is performing an assignmentwith the Army or the Air Force, the health record maybe serviced by Army or Air Force Medical Departmentpersonnel. This management of the health record maybe done if the attendant service interposes no objectionand considers the procedure feasible. Reciprocalprocedures for servicing the health records of Army orAir Force personnel by personnel of the MedicalDepartment of the Navy will be maintained wheneverfeasible, and if requested by authorized representativesof those services.DEALING WITH LOST, DESTROYED, ORILLEGIBLE HEALTH RECORDSWhen a HREC is lost or destroyed, the HRECcustodian will open a replacement health record. Thedesignation “REPLACEMENT” will be prominentlyentered on the jacket and all forms replaced. A briefexplanation of the circumstances requiring thereplacement and the date accomplished should beentered on SF 600, Chronological Record of MedicalCare. If the missing record is subsequently recovered,the information or entries in the replacement recordwill be inserted in the original record.The HREC or any part of it should be duplicatedwhenever it becomes illegible or deteriorates to thepoint that it may endanger its future use or value as apermanent record. The duplicate record or duplicateportion must reproduce as closely to the original aspossible. Pay particular attention to detail when youtranscribe this information. When you duplicate ane n t i r e h e a l t h r e c o r d , p l a c e t h e d e s i g n a t i o n“DUPLICATE RECORD” prominently on the front ofthe jacket above the wording OUTPATIENTMEDICAL RECORD.When you duplicate only part of the record,i d e n t i f y t h e i n d i v i d u a l f o r m s b y p r i n t i n g“DUPLICATE” at the bottom of each form. Enter thecircumstances necessitating the duplication and thedate accomplished on an SF 600. Microfiche all formsreplaced for protection and preservation, and make theenvelope a permanent part of the medical record. Onfront of the envelope, record the member’s full name,FMP (family member prefix) and SSN, date of birth,and list the original forms contained in the envelope.If microfilming is not available to the MTF, placethe original health forms (except forms contaminatedwith mold or mildew) inside a plain envelope forpreservation and make them part of the permanentrecord. On the front of the envelope, record themember’s identifying data (same as microficheenvelope) and list the contents of the envelope. Markthe envelope “ORIGINAL MEDICAL RECORDS—PERMANENT” and file as the bottommost item inpart 2 of the 4-part health record jacket.DISPOSING OF HEALTH RECORDSDURING HOSPITALIZATIONWhen a patient is transferred to an MTF, the HRECshould accompany the patient. If members areadmitted to a military hospital while away from theircommand, their HRECs should be forwarded as soonas possible to the hospital. If a discharged member isdirected to proceed home and await final action on therecommended findings of a physical evaluation board,an entry to this effect should be recorded in the HREC.If a member is admitted to a civilian hospital fortreatment involving brief periods of hospitalization,12-3
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