appointment. The health record is then forwarded tothe new officer’s first duty station.Midshipmen or former enlisted membersappointed to commissioned officer or warrant officergrade continue to use their existing HREC. The MTFhaving custody of the record at the time of acceptanceof appointment will make necessary entries to indicatethe new grade and the designator or MOS. Also, therecord custodian should prepare summary informationentries on SF 600 and NAVMED 6150/4 to includedate, place, and grade to which the member wasappointed.Health records of civilian candidates selected forappointment to the Naval Academy should be preparedat the Naval Academy at the time of appointment.Health records for civilian applicants selected forofficer candidate programs should be opened uponenrollment in the program.OPENING HEALTH RECORDS FORACTIVE DUTY ENLISTED PERSONNELThe HREC is opened by the activity executing theenlistment contract upon original enlistment in theNavy or Marine Corps. An exception to this ruleinvolves service members who are enlisted or inductedand ordered to immediate active duty at a recruittraining facility. In this instance, the HREC will beopened by either the Naval Training Center (NTC) orMarine Corps Recruit Depot, as appropriate. Copies ofthe service member’s SF 88, Report of MedicalExamination, and SF 93, Report of Medical History,are sent to the appropriate NTC or recruit depot, andadded to other applicable HREC forms in themember’s HREC.OPENING HEALTH RECORDS FORRESERVISTSThe Naval Reserve Personnel Center (NRPC),New Orleans, is the HREC custodian for inactivereserve personnel. In addition, NRPC is responsiblefor the records’ preparation and maintenance. Wheninactive reservists are called to active duty and theirHRECs have not been received by their duty station, arequest for their records should be initiated. Requestsfor Navy personnel are sent to NRPC. Marine Corpspersonnel requests are sent to the Marine CorpsReserve Support Center. For Navy and MarineCorps service members who were discharged before31 January 1994, requests should be sent to theNational Personnel Records Center (NPRC) forrecord retrieval. For service members who weredischarged after 31 January 1994, requests for recordretrieval are sent to the Department of VeteransAffairs (DVA). Addresses of each of these activitiesare listed in the MANMED.PREPARING THE HEALTH RECORDJACKETA new military health record jacket, NAVMED6150/20-29, should be prepared when an HREC isopened or when the existing jacket has been damagedor is deteriorating to the point of illegibility. The oldjacket should be destroyed following replacement.Preparing the Outside Front Cover andInside Back CoverA felt-tip or indelible black-ink pen should beused to record all identifying data, except in the “PencilEntries” block on the upper left of the outer front coverof the HREC. As indicated, information in this blockshould be written in pencil, so it can be updated orchanged. Figure 12-2 illustrates the completed outsidefront cover and inside back cover of a military healthrecord jacket.RECORD NUMBERING.—Each health recordjacket has the second to the last digit of the SSNpreprinted on it. The preprinted digit also matches thelast digit of the form number (e.g., the preprinted digiton NAVMED 6150/26 is 6). The color of the treatmentrecord jacket corresponds to the preprinted digit. Inpreparing a member’s treatment record jacket, select aprenumbered NAVMED 6150/20-29 jacket bymatching the second to the last number of themember’s SSN.SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.—Enter therest of the member’s SSN on the top of the inside backcover. For members who do not have an SSN (e.g.,foreign military personnel), use NAVMED 6150/29 asthe treatment record jacket. A “substitute” SSN shouldbe created for these members by assigning the numbers“9999" as the last four digits of the SSN and assigningthe first five digits in number sequence (e.g., first SSN000-01-9999, the second SSN 000-02-9999). Place apiece of black cellophane tape over the number thatcorresponds to the last digit of the SSN in each of thetwo number scales on the inside back cover of theHREC (fig. 12-2).FAMILY MEMBER PREFIX.—Enter themember’s family member prefix (FMP) code in thetwo diamonds preceding the SSN on the top of the12-7
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