significant or chronic disorders instead of one-timeevents of minor illnesses or disorders.An essential part of a complete physicalexamination is the review of patient’s medical history.The medical examiner is responsible for reviewingitems 9 through 24 of the SF 93. After reviewing theseitems, the medical examiner uses item 25 to elaborateon all “yes” responses (fig. 11-4). Examinersdocument conditions considered disqualifying as“CD” and those considered not disqualifying as“NCD.” Examiner’s signature and identificationinformation should be documented at the bottom of theback side of the SF 93.SPECIAL DUTY MEDICAL ABSTRACT,NAVMED 6150/2The NAVMED 6150/2, Special Duty MedicalAbstract, is a record of physical qualifications, specialtraining, and periodic examinations of membersdesignated to perform special duty, such as aviation,submarine, and diving. When members completespecial duty physical examinations and specialtraining, they should have entries made on theirNAVMED 6150/2. NAVMED 6150/2 entries requirethe approval of a medical officer or designatedspecialty medical service corps officer (i.e., aerospacephysiologist for aerospace physiology training).If a special-duty-qualified service member isfound to be physically or mentally unfit, the servicemember’s special duty status will be suspended eithertemporarily or permanently. The reason(s) for themember’s suspension and period of suspension arerecorded on the NAVMED 6150/2. Special paydisbursements are often based on a member’s physicaland mental qualifications or continued requalificationfor performance in a special duty.PHYSICAL EXAM TESTINGPROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENTLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall visualacuity, color vision, audiometric, and EKGtest equipment and procedures.Some of the basic procedures used to gatherinformation for a physical examination are taught inHospital Corpsman “A” School (e.g., vital signs,venipuncture, and height and weight measurements).However, other tests require advanced technicalexpertise, such as serological testing, and pressure andoxygen-tolerance testing. Some testing proceduresmay be learned by on-the-job training (OJT) or byshort courses of instruction. These testing proceduresand the equipment used will be discussed in thissection.VISUAL ACUITYVisual acuity testing determines the ability of theeye to discriminate fine detail. It is the most importanttest of eye function. Throughout the Navy, there aretwo accepted methods for testing visual acuity: theSnellen chart and Jaeger cards, and the Armed ForcesVision Tester. The Snellen chart and Jaeger cards areused together to test visual acuity. The Snellen chartstest distant visual acuity; the Jaeger cards are used toevaluate near visual acuity. The Armed Forces VisionTester checks both distant and near visual acuity, andassists in evaluating other optical conditions.The first step in testing for visual acuity is to findout if the patient wears corrective eyewear. On the dayof their visual acuity testing, patients should bring intheir glasses. Contact lenses are not recommended foruse during visual acuity testing. Contact lenses causean increase in time needed for testing purposes, andthey tend to be an inconvenience for both the patientand healthcare provider. Acuity testing is performedwith and without the glasses on, and the results aredocumented in blocks 59 and 61 on the SF 88. Visualacuity requirements are discussed in the MANMED.Snellen ChartsProbably the most familiar of the visual testingequipment, Snellen charts, are the preferred methodfor testing distant visual acuity. Snellen charts can testboth monocular and binocular visual acuity.Operational guidelines for Snellen charts are providedby the chart’s manufacturer. Your local militaryoptometrist or eye clinic can also provide youoperational guidelines for Snellen charts. Specificdetails and current conditions for testing with Snellencharts are as follows:If the examinee wears corrective lenses, havethem remove the lenses before the examination.Test the examinee first without corrective lenses,and then with the corrective lenses in place.Hang the chart on the wall so the 20/20 line is 64inches from the floor. Direct the examinees tostand 20 feet from the chart. Test each eye11-10
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