the nine digits of the SSN are divided into three numbergroups for ease in reading. This practice reduces thechance of transposing numbers. For example, in theTDFS system the SSN 123-45-6789 is visuallygrouped and read from right to left (instead of left toright), as follows:On the health record, the family member prefix(FMP) is added to the patient’s social security number.The FMP is a system used by the Navy to show abeneficiary’s relationship to the sponsor. For instance,the FMP for active duty personnel is 20, while the FMPfor a spouse is 30 (fig. 12-1).Under the Terminal Digit Filing System, thecentral files are divided into 100 approximately equalsections. Each section is identified by a maximum of100 file guides bearing the 100 primary numbers, 00consecutively through 99. Each of these 100 sectionscontain records whose terminal digits correspond tothe section’s primary number (fig. 12-1). Forexample, every record with the SSN ending in 56 isfiled in section 56.Within each of these 100 sections, health recordsare filed in numerical sequence according to theirsecondary numbers. The secondary number is thepair of digits immediately left of the primary number(fig. 12-1).To make filing of health records easier, healthrecord jackets are color-coded. The second to the lastdigit of the SSN is preprinted on the jacket. The colorof the health record jacket corresponds to thepreprinted digit as follows:Centralized files having records based upon morethan 200 SSNs, or a file of more than 200 records, mayneed to use the TERTIARY (third) NUMBER in filing.In a properly developed and maintained terminal-digit,color-coded and block-filing system, it is almostimpossible to misfile a record. A record misfiled withrespect to the left digit of its primary number (forexample, a 45 that has been inserted among the 55s)will attract attention because of its different recordjacket color. A record jacket misfiled in respect to theright primary number (for example, a 45 that has beeninserted among the 42s) causes a break in the diagonalpattern formed by the blocking within a color group.Authorized exemptions from the requirements ofthe TDFS are discussed in detail in the MANMED.OPENING HEALTH RECORDSLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Determinewhen a health record should be opened,and select the appropriate record jacketand sequence of medical forms to be placedwithin a new record.This section will discuss the opening of active dutyHRECs. HRECs are opened when an individualbecomes a member of the Navy and Marine Corps,when a member on the retired list is returned to activeduty, or when the original record has been lost ordestroyed.When establishing the four-part health record, theappropriate military health record jacket and requiredforms must be current and assembled in accordancewith current directives.OPENING HEALTH RECORDS FORACTIVE DUTY OFFICERSRecruiting offices open HRECs for civilianapplicants who are accepted for an officer12-6Primary Group Secondary Group Third Group89 67 123-45PRIMARY NUMBERSECONDARY NUMBERFIRST PART: TERTIARY NUMBERSECOND PART: TERTIARY NUMBER( 123-45* )FAMILY MEMBER PREFIX (FMP) CODE00-123-45-67-89HM3f1201Figure 12-1.—Example of social security number groupingand family member prefix.Preprinted Digit Jacket Color0123456789OrangeGreenYellowGrayTanBlueWhiteAlmondPinkRed
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