evaluating an individual’s frequency thresholds,hearing deficiencies can be detected. To test anindividual’s frequency thresholds, the technician willuse an instrument called an audiometer (manual orcomputerized). Audiometers used by the Navy arecalibrated to American National Standards Institute(ANSI) specifications.Upon entry into the service, a baseline audiogramis performed and recorded on a DD 2215. Subsequentaudiometric test results are recorded on a DD 2216 andperformed as directed by OPNAVINST 5100.19 andthe MANMED. Audiometric testing shall beperformed only by personnel who have attended anaudiometric training course and have been certified.All audiometric tracings or readings recorded on theSF 88 or other medical documentation should containthe certification number of the person performing theaudiometric test.ELECTROCARDIOGRAMAn electrocardiogram is a record of electricalimpulses made by the heart. Electrocardiograms areproduced by an instrument called an electrocardio-graph. The electrocardiograph is used to examine andrecord electrical impulses produced by the contractionof the heart muscle. Abbreviated either EKG or ECG,the electrocardiogram is interpreted by a physician orcardiologist to determine the heart rate and rhythm,and evidence of any heart damage, especially damageassociated with a heart attack.EKGs are currently performed as part of thephysical examination once the member reaches the ageof 40, and routinely thereafter. Otherwise, EKGs areperformed only as clinically indicated or required forspecial duty. Refer to BUMED instructions for currentperiodicity information on EKG testing. The NavalMedical Department routinely uses EKGs with 12leads for physical examinations performed on Navyand Marine Corps personnel.SUMMARYA general review has been provided to you onvarious types of physical examinations, theirrequirements, and the documentation procedures ofcommonly used physical examination forms. We havealso discussed physical examination testing equipmentand procedures that evaluate vision, hearing, andcardiac function.The physical examination is a key component ofthe Navy Medical Department’s efforts to maintain thehealth of Sailors and Marines during times of war andpeace. The importance of the physical examinationcannot be overstated. The combination of medicalhistory, medical testing, and medical examinationfurnishes the healthcare provider with a completepicture of the individual’s health. Any indications ofmedical problems can be evaluated and managed moreexpediently and effectively through the use of thephysical examination. Your assistance with medicaltesting and your detailed document management willensure the patient receives the best possible medicalevaluation by the medical examiner. More in-depthinformation is contained in the Manual of the MedicalDepartment, NAVMED P-117.11-12
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