Uncorrected ConditionIf the servicemember’s condition cannot becorrected during the initial or subsequent period ofTLD and treatment, or if it is clear that the conditionwill continually interfere with or preclude his ability tofunction effectively in an operational arena or todeploy worldwide, notify the transferring or parentcommand and NAVPERSCOM. Subsequent to thesecond period of TLD, if appropriate, a PhysicalEvaluation Board (PEB) will adjudicate the case. If thePEB (in Washington, DC) finds the member “fit tocontinue Naval Service,” NAVPERSCOM will directthe command to initiate appropriate administrativeaction, which may include a recommendation ofadministrative separation (per MILPERSMAN1910-120).Formal Board ReportIf conditions warrant (i.e., when the period ofrecovery is expected to exceed 8 months), thephysician or dental officer will dictate a formal boardreport in accordance with SECNAVINST 1850.4 andMANMED, chapter 18, for submission to NAV-PERSCOM (NPC-821). The LIMDU Coordinator isresponsible for reviewing the medical board, verifyingthe content and that the processing time is consistentwith current policy. However, a commandendorsement is not required on a formal board.COMPLETING REQUIRED FORMSLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Select theappropriate form(s) used for physicalexaminations and recall how each formshould be completed.While there are several forms used to recordphysicals, the scope and purpose of the physicaldictates which form or forms should be used. Forexample, the preplacement and annual physicalevaluation of food service personnel or personnelexposed to hazardous materials can, in most cases, beadequately documented on an SF 600. This sectiondiscusses the most commonly used physical examina-tion forms.REPORT OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION,SF 88The SF 88, Report of Medical Examination, is theprincipal document for recording a complete physicalexamination (figs. 11-1 and 11-2). The SF 88 is, likemost medical documentation, a legal document.Entries on the form must be legible. If you make atypographical or clerical error, correct the entry bydrawing a single line through the erroneous entry,initialing above the error, and making the correctedentry in the same block. If space is not available in thatblock, make the corrected entry in block 42(identifying the erroneous entry by number). Chapter16 of the MANMED provides specific details oninformation for each block to complete this formproperly.Stamps are used routinely by many naval medicalfacilities to incorporate routine information or dataonto medical documents, as illustrated in blocks 50 and73 of figures 11-1 and 11-2. The use of stamps must,however, be in accordance with physical examinationdirectives and the MANMED.REPORT OF MEDICAL HISTORY, SF 93The purpose of Standard Form (SF) 93, Report ofMedical History, is to provide a complete personalmedical history and to serve as a source of informationthat supplements information reported on the SF 88.The SF 93 provides a current, concise, andcomprehensive record of a service member’s personalmedical history before entering the service and anysubsequent changes in the member’s medical status.After the military entrance examination, anysubsequent medical examinations that require the useof the SF 88 will also require an SF 93 to be completed.Any medical information entered by patients on the SF93 is made only to document changes in medicalhistory since their last physical examination. If nochanges have occurred since the previous SF 93 wasgenerated, the examiner should enter “no significantinterval history” in block 25.When you prepare the SF 93, complete items 1through 7 in the same manner as you did the SF 88 (fig.11-3). This information can be handwritten or typed.Inform examinees that they are responsible forcompleting items 8 through 25 (figs. 11-3 and 11-4).Item 8 should contain a handwritten statement fromexaminees regarding their present state of health andany medications they may be taking. Items 9 through24 are checked either “yes,” “no,” or “don’t know” bythe examinees. Assist examinees by explainingunfamiliar medical terminology that appears on theseitems. Helping them complete the form will ensure anaccurate accounting of the member’s medical history.Keep in mind that the SF 93 is information of11-5
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