should refer to the Patients’ Bill of Rights andResponsibilities (an enclosure to BUMEDINST6300.10) and the Accreditation Manual for Hospitalspublished by the JCAHO.PATIENT’S RIGHTSThe following are the patient’s rights:Medical Care and Dental Care—A patient hasthe right to quality care and treatment consistentwith available resources and generally acceptedstandards. The patient has the right to refusetreatment to the extent permitted by law andgovernment regulations. However, the patientshould be informed of the consequences ofrefusal.Respectful Treatment—A patient has the rightto considerate and respectful care, withrecognition of his personal dignity.Privacy and Confidentiality—A patient,within law and military regulations, is entitled toprivacy and confidentiality concerning medicalcare.Identity—A patient has the right to know, at alltimes, the identity, professional status, andprofessional credentials of healthcare personnel,as well as the name of the healthcare providerprimarily responsible for his care.Explanation of Care—A patient has the right toan explanation concerning his diagnosis,treatment, procedures, and prognosis of illnessin terms the patient can understand.Informed Consent—A patient has the right tobe advised in nonclinical terms of informationneeded to make knowledgeable decisions onconsent or refusal of treatments. Suchinformation should include significantcomplications, risks, benefits, and alternativetreatments available.Research Projects—A patient has the right tobe advised if the facility proposes to engage in orperform research associated with his care ortreatment. The patient has the right to refuse toparticipate in any research projects.Safe Environment—A patient has the right tocare and treatment in a safe environment.Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) or DentalTreatment Facility (DTF) Rules andRegulations—A patient has the right to beinformed of the facility’s rules and regulationsthat relate to patient or visitor conduct. Thepatient is entitled to information for theinitiation, review, and resolution of patientcomplaints.PATIENT’S RESPONSIBILITIESThe following are the patient’s responsibilities:Providing Information—A patient has theresponsibility to provide, to the best of hisknowledge, accurate and complete informationabout complaints, past illnesses, hospitaliz-ations, medications, and other matters relating tohis personal health.Respect and Consideration—A patient has theresponsibility to be considerate of the rights ofother patients and MTF or DTF healthcarepersonnel, and to assist in the control of noise,smoking, and the number of visitors. The patientis responsible for being respectful of theproperty of other persons and of the facility.Compliance with Medical Care—A patient isresponsible for complying with the medical andnursing treatment plan, including followup carerecommended by healthcare providers.Medical Records—A patient is responsible forensuring that medical records are promptlyreturned to the medical facility for appropriatefiling and maintenance when those records aretransported by the patient for the purpose ofmedical appointments or consultation, etc.MTF and DTF Rules and Regulations—Apatient is responsible for following the MTF orDTF rules and regulations affecting patientcare.Reporting of Patient Complaints—Apatient isresponsible for helping the MTF or DTFcommander provide the best possible care to allbeneficiaries. The patient’s recommendations,questions, or complaints should be reported tothe patient contact representative.2-2
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