CircumductionCircumduction is the movement of the hips andshoulders.Other Types of MovementOther types of movement generally used toindicate specific anatomical positions include thefollowing:Supination—turning upward, as in placing thepalm of the hand up.Pronation—turning downward, as in placingthe palm of the hand down.Eversion—turning outward, as in turning thesole of the foot to the outside.Inversion—turning inward, as in turning thesole of the foot inward.MUSCLESLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify primarymuscle functions, muscle characteristics, typesof muscle tissue, and important functionalmuscles.Muscles are responsible for many different typesof body movements. The action of the muscle is1-17PIVOTJOINTCOXALBONEHEAD OF FEMURIN ACETABULUMFEMURBALL-AND-SOCKETJOINTCONDYLOIDJOINTMETACARPALPHALANXGLIDINGJOINTCARPALSRADIUSULNAHUMERUSHINGEJOINTODONTOIDPROCESSTRANSVERSELIGAMENTATLASFIRSTMETACARPALTRAPEZIUMSADDLEJOINTHM3F0127ABCDEFFigure 1-27.—Types of joints: A. Ball-in-socket joint; B. Condyloid joint; C. Gliding joint; D. Hinge joint; E. Pivot joint; F. Saddlejoint.
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