numeric codes: the federal supply group and thefederal supply class. The federal supply groupidentifies, by title, the commodity area covered by theclasses within each group.An example of a Federal Supply Group and itsclasses is as follows:NATIONAL STOCK NUMBERSEvery item in the Federal Supply Catalog isidentified by a 13-digit stock number referred to asNational Stock Number (NSN). The national stocknumber (NSN) for an item of supply consists of afour-digit federal supply classification (FSC group andclass) and a nine-digit national item identificationnumber (NIIN). The NIIN consists of a two-digitnational codification bureau (NCB) code and sevendigits that, in conjunction with the NCB code, identifyeach NSN item in the Federal Supply DistributionSystem.The National Item Identification Number is anine-digit number that identifies each item of supplyused by the Department of Defense. Although theNIIN is part of the NSN, it is used independently toidentify an item within a classification. Unlike theFSC, the NIIN is assigned serially, without regard forthe name, description, or classification of the item.An example NSN is: 3110-00-123-4567NAVY ITEM CONTROL NUMBERSNavy Item Control Numbers (NICN) identifyitems of material (such as pencils, staplers, sutures,and medications) that are not included in the FSC butare stocked in the Navy supply system. These numbersare 13-digits and are assigned by inventory controlmanagers.LOCAL ITEM CONTROL NUMBERSTechnically, any item identification numberassigned by an activity for its own use is a Navy ItemControl Number. To distinguish between NICNs thatare authorized in supply transaction documents andthose that are not, the term Local Item Control Number(LICN) is often used. A full explanation of thecomposition of NIINs, NICNs, and LICNs is containedin Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485.COGNIZANCE SYMBOLSAlthough cognizance symbols are not part of theNSN, they are used as supply management codes thatidentify the Navy inventory manager for the specificcategory of material requisitioned. This symbolconsists of two parts, one numeric and one alphabetic.For example, the symbol for all Navy-owned bulkmedical material is “9L.”FEDERAL SUPPLY CATALOG, MEDICALMATERIAL SECTIONThe Federal Supply Catalog contains all standardstock items available to agencies of the United StatesGovernment. It furnishes identification andmanagement data for single-manager supply items.The sections of the catalog that are of special interest tothe Hospital Corpsman are those dealing with medicalitems, as listed in the NAVSUP P-485, volume I,chapter 2. Each subsection deals with specificcategories of material.The following is a description of the subsections ofFederal Supply Catalog, Medical Material, 6500section:Introduction—provides a general overview ofthe contents and use of the catalog.Alphabetical Index—contains a list of itemnames, colloquial names, synonyms, commonnames, and trade names, referenced to indexnumbers, that help locate an item within thesubsection.Glossary of Colloquial Names andTherapeutic Index (6505/6508 subsectiononly)—contains colloquial names, synonyms,and trade names arranged in alphabetical orderand cross-referenced to appropriate NationalItem Names. Items are also classified bytherapeutic use.13-5Group 65Medical, Dental, andVeterinary Supplies andEquipment6505- Drugs Biological, andOfficial Reagents6508- Medicated Cosmeticsand Toiletries6510- Surgical DressingMaterial3110|FederalSupplyClassification(FSC)00-|NationalCodificationBureau Code123-4567|National ItemIdentificationNumber (NIIN)
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