Special Mission Usage. These missions includebut are not limited to humanitarian, civilianrescue, and drug interdiction operations.Administrative Requirements. The purchaseof consumable or medical OPTAR restricteditems may be made from the medical OPTARwith the approval of the executive officer.Medical books and publications listed inNAVMEDCOMINST 6820.1 may also bepurchased with this OPTAR.FEDERAL SUPPLY CATALOG SYSTEMLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Recall theterms associated with the Federal SupplySystem and how to use the Federal SupplyCatalog.The Department of Defense Supply Systemcontains more than 4 million items; of this total theNavy stocks more than 1 million items. To ordersupplies effectively from this system, you must have abasic understanding of the DoD supply systemterminology and structure. This includes the naming,description, classification, and numbering of all itemscarried under centralized control of the United StatesGovernment. Only one identification number is usedfor each item, from purchase to final disposal.TERMINOLOGYTo effectively procure and account for navalmaterials, you will need to be familiar withterminology commonly used in the supply system.Some of the terms with which you should be familiarare discussed below:BULK STOCKMaterial in full, unbrokencontainers available for futureuse.CONSUMABLESupplies that are consumed ordisposed of after use.EQUIPAGEItems that require managementcontrol afloat because of highunit cost, vulnerability topilferage, or indispensability tothe ship=s mission.CONTROLLEDEQUIPAGEItems of equipage that requirespecial management controlbecause the material is essentialfor the mission or the protectionof life, is relatively valuable, oreasily converted to personal use.EQUIPMENTAny functional unit of hull,mechanical, electrical, ordnance,or electronic material, operatedsingly or as a component of asystem or subsystem. Equip-ment is considered noncon-sumable.MATERIALAll supplies, repair parts,equipment, and equipage used inthe Navy/Marine Corps.NON-CONSUMABLESupplies and materials that arenot consumed or disposed ofafter their use. Buildings andequipment are nonconsumableitems.REPAIR PARTAny item that has an applicationand appears in an allowanceparts list (APL), stock numbersequence list (SNSL), integratedstock list (ISL), Naval ShipSystems Command drawings, ora manufacturer=s handbook.RESERVESTOCKItems on hand and available forissue for a specific purpose, butnot for general use (for example,decontamination supplies).STANDARDSTOCKMaterial under the control of aninventory manager andidentified by a National ItemIdentification Number (NIIN).The NIIN is the last nine-digits ofthe Federal Stock Number.STOCKNUMBERThe smallest quantity of a supplyitem.FEDERAL SUPPLY CLASSIFICATIONSYSTEMThe Federal Supply Classification System isdesigned to permit the classification of all items ofsupply used by the federal government. Each item ofsupply will be included in one—AND ONLYONE—FSC. The FSC is made up of 2 two-digit13-4
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