CHAPTER 13SUPPLYThe responsibility of accounting for assets withinthe Department of the Navy comes down from theSecretary of the Navy (SECNAV) to the commandingofficers of field activities throughout the Navy.Commanding officers must ensure proper fiscaladministration by the directives, principles, andpolicies prescribed by the Comptroller of the Navy.The Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)is responsible for administering supply managementpolicies, to include cataloging, standardization,inventory control, storage, issue, and disposal of navalmaterial. You, as a Hospital Corpsman, must befamiliar with the methods of procuring and accountingfor naval materials.In this chapter we will discuss the properprocedures to use in estimating supply needs,procuring supplies and material, and accounting forsupplies and operating funds. The last section of thechapter deals with contingency supply blocks and theirmaintenance.NAVSUP MANUALS, PUBLICATIONS,AND DIRECTIVESLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize thepurpose and content of key supply manualsand instructions.To function well in the Navy supply system, youmust be familiar with the NAVSUP manuals,publications, and directives that outline policy andprocedures for different areas of supply. Thesemanuals, publications, and directives are available inthe Naval Logistics Library located on the NAVSUPhomepage, TITLES FOR NAVSUPPUBLICATIONSNAVSUP publications may be referred to in fourdifferent ways. For example, the O p e r a t i n gProcedures Manual Military Standard Requisitioninga n d I s s u e P ro c e d u re , andM i l i t a r y St a n d a rdTransaction Reporting and Accounting Procedure(MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP), NAVSUP P437, may bereferred to in various publications and directives asNAVSUP Publication 437, NAVSUP P-437,NAVSUP Pub 437, or NAVSUP 437. However, whenreferencing this publication (or other NAVSUPpublications), cite it as “NAVSUP P-437” (and theapplicable paragraph number).CHANGES TO PUBLICATIONSRegardless of how well you have learned to use thevarious supply publications, if they aren’t kept up todate, you may encounter problems when you attempt toorder an item. Also, you may be unaware of an itemthat has been recalled. Enter changes promptly whenthey are received to ensure that the latest information isbeing used. Always read accompanying instructionsbefore making changes.NAVAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS COMMAND(NAVSUP) MANUALThe NAVSUP manual is designed to institutestandardized supply procedures and consists of thefollowing four volumes:Volume ICIntroduction to SupplyVolume IICSupply AshoreVolume IIICRetail Clothing Stores andCommissary StoresVolume IVCTransportation of PropertyOPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL FORMILITARY STANDARD REQUISITIONING ANDPROCEDURES (NAVSUP P-437) AND MILITARYSTANDARD TRANSACTION REPORTING ANDACCOUNTING PROCEDURES (MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP)The MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP manual issues policyon the MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP system. Thispublication takes precedence over conflictingprovisions contained in other supply system manualsor directives. The manual covers system management,13-1
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