the six-part set is used for requisitioning fromother nonautomated ships (and from automatedships, when required).Non-NSN Requisition (Manual),DD Form 1348-6DD Form 1348-6 (fig. 13-3) is a six-part form usedto requisition material that cannot be identified by anNSN, NATO stock number, or NICN other thanpermanent “LL”-coded NICNs. The form consists oftwo sections. The upper section includes essentiallythe same data elements as DD Form 1348. The lowersection includes 10 data blocks for additionalidentification data.Single-Line Item Consumption/RequisitionDocument (Manual), NAVSUP Form 1250-1NAVSUP Form 1250-1 (fig. 13-4) is a seven-partmultipurpose form used as a consumption document.It is also used as a MILSTRIP requisitioning documentby nonautomated ships for procuring material orservices from another ship, naval supply centers, navalsupply depots, and Navy Inventory Control Point(NAVICP) Philadelphia.Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document,DD Form 1149DD Form 1149 (fig. 13-5) is prepared for certainitems that are excluded from MILSTRIP. These itemsare listed in NAVSUP P-485 and P-437. DD Form13-8Quantity of materialrequired to sustainoperations in theinterval betweenrequisitions or thearrival of successiveshipmentsQuantity required topermit continued oper-ations during interrup-tions of replenishment orunpredictable demandsQuantity of materialconsumed during normalorder and shipping timeOPERATINGLEVEL OFSUPPLYSAFETYLEVEL OFSUPPLYSTOCKAGEOBJECTIVEREQUISITIONINGOBJECTIVEHM3f1301Figure 13-1.—Levels of supply.HM3f1302Figure 13-2.—MILSTRIP requisition document: DD Form 1348.
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