70% isopropyl alcohol or povidone-iodinesolution padsBlood lancetsCapillary tubesBandagesArrange your equipment in an orderly manner andhave it within easy reach. Also, wash your handsbefore and after each procedure.Finger Puncture ProcedureTo perform a finger puncture, follow the stepsgiven below.1. Explain the procedure to the patient.2. Using the middle or ring finger, massage or“milk” the finger down toward the fingertip.Repeat this “milking” five or six times.3. Cleanse the fingertip with an alcohol pad orpovidone-iodine solution and let dry.4. Take a lancet and make a quick deep stab on theside of the finger (off-center). To obtain a largerounded drop, the puncture should be across thestriations of the fingertip. See figure 7-3.5. Wipe away the first drop of blood to avoiddilution with tissue fluid. Avoid squeezing thefingertip to accelerate bleeding as this tends todilute the blood with excess tissue fluid, butgentle pressure some distance above thepuncture site may be applied to obtain a freeflow of blood.6. When the required blood has been obtained,apply a pad of sterile gauze and instruct thepatient to apply pressure, then apply a bandage.When dealing with infants and very smallchildren, the heel or great toe puncture is the bestmethod to obtain a blood specimen. This method isperformed in much the same way.VENIPUNCTURE (METHOD)The collection of blood from veins is calledvenipuncture. For the convenience of technician andpatient, arm veins are best for obtaining a bloodsample. If arm veins cannot be used due to interferencefrom bandage or IV therapy, thrombosed or hardenedveins, etc., consult your supervisor for instructions onthe use of hand or foot veins.NOTE: Do not draw blood from an arm withIV fluid running into it. Choose another site.The IV fluid will alter tests results.Materials Required for VenipunctureProcedureTo perform a venipuncture, the followingmaterials are required:Sterile gauze pads (2" x 2")70% isopropyl alcohol or povidone-iodinesolution padsTourniquetVacutainer needles and holderVacutainer tube appropriate for the test to beperformedArrange your equipment in an orderly manner andhave it within easy reach. Also, wash your handsbefore the procedure.Venipuncture ProcedurePosition the patient so that the vein is easilyaccessible and you are able to perform thevenipuncture in a comfortable position. Always havethe patient either lying in bed or sitting in a chair withthe arm propped up.7-5PREFERREDTECHNIQUEHM3f0703POORTECHNIQUEFigure 7-3.—Finger puncture.
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