addition, a DD 2064 is prepared and copies aredistributed as outlined in table 16-2.DEATH CERTIFICATES FOR SHIPMENTOF REMAINSWhen death occurs outside CONUS, three signedcopies of DD 2064 will accompany the remains toCONUS. When death occurs within CONUS, threecertified copies of the civil certificate of death willaccompany the remains from CONUS to outsideCONUS, in addition to all other forms required byNAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1.NOTE: A certificate of death should not beprepared for persons listed as missing.PAYMENTS AND COLLECTIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall funeralpayment and collection procedures.Authorized Decedent Affairs Program expensesare chargeable to the special open allotment held byBUMED. In circumstances involving reimbursabletransactions, costs may also be initially charged to theopen allotment subject to reimbursement. Theallotment may be charged by any Navy or MarineCorps activity assigned procurement or paymentresponsibility. Army and Air Force activities maycharge the allotment when arranging for authorizedsupplies and services at the request of a naval activity.PRIMARY EXPENSESIf the NOK makes arrangements for disposition ofremains, rather than using services of DoD, orcompletes funeral arrangements before DoD servicesare offered, the amounts outlined below are allowedtoward incurred expenses. The figures quoted aresubject to change, so check the latest series ofNAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1 for the authorizedallowances, or contact the MEDDEN Affairs.When an Armed Forces contract or mortuary isavailable (and services were offered to the NOK) butnot used, an amount not to exceed what procurementwould have cost the Navy is allowed. This includescosts the Navy would have incurred over and abovecontract expenses. Contact MEDDEN Affairs forcurrent allowance limits.TRANSPORTATION EXPENSESIf the NOK arranges for transportation of remains,reimbursement may be made in an amount not toexceed what transportation would have cost thegovernment. If the Navy has arranged fortransportation and the final destination cannot bereached by common carrier, reasonable costs may beallowed for supplemental transportation by funeralcoach or other vehicle.SECONDARY (INTERMENT) EXPENSESSecondary expenses will be provided to the NOKwhether the remains or cremains are interred in aprivate cemetery, a national or federal governmentcemetery, or in a burial at sea. The allowance paid foreach method of interment will be in accordance with16-12For OUTUSdecedents. . .Send copy of death certificate to. . .Active DutyCommanding OfficerN a v a l M e d i c a l I n f o r m a t i o nManagement CenterBethesda, MD 20814(The original death certificate isplaced in member’s closed healthrecord.)Inactive DutyNavy personnel:Naval Reserve Personnel Center4400 Dauphine StreetNew Orleans, LA 70149Marine Corps personnel:Commandant of the Marine Corps(Code MSPA-1)Department of the NavyWashington, DC 20380Other deathsThe command indicated if the deathoccurred aboard a ship, at a navalstation, or on a naval aircraft. For fulldetails, see MANMED.Table 16-2.—Distribution of Death Certificate for DeathsOccurring in Outside CONUS
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