Integrated Stock List (ISL) indicated that more thanone AEL or APL applies to the same item, enter theletter “M” instead of the AEL/APL number. Enter“General Use” or “GUCL” for non-equipment-relatedconsumables.LocationLocation tells each area in which the item is stored.High Limit, Low Limit, Safety Level(HL, LL, SL)High limit, low limit, and safety level quantitiesare computed in accordance with NAVSUP P-485 andrecorded on the NAVSUP 1114.Allowance List Quantity (A/L QTY)Allowance list quantity (A/L QTY) is filled in foritems on the AMAL/ADAL and left blank fornon-allowance items.Allowance Type Code (AT)The AT code is assigned by the IntegratedLogistics Overhaul (ILO). It is a single-characternumeric code based on the item use, requirement to becarried, or usage rates. When an item is added betweenILOs, assign the appropriate AT code.E/R/C CodesThe E/R/C codes are used for equipage items (E),repair parts and equipment-related consumables (R),or for general-use consumables (C). Equipage items(E) are for special accounting class 207 ships only.BEG.MO.DE.The BEG.MO.DE codes are the beginning date ofthe demand period, generally the date of the last ILO.When the original (ILO-prepared) card is filled and anew card is prepared, bring this date forward to the newcard with the demand and frequency of demandrecorded on the original card. When a card is preparedbetween ILOs, the demand date is the date of the initialrequisition.Demand Frequency Brought Forward (DFBF)The demand frequency brought forward (DFBF)code is the total brought forward from a filled stockrecord onto a new stock record.URGThe URG code is a checkmark or “X” if the item islisted in the Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning GuideOverseas (CARGO).MRTThe MRT code is a checkmark or “X” if the item islisted in the SERVMART shopping list of the localsupply support activity.Economic Order Item (EOI)The economic order item (EOI) is a checkmark or“X” if the item is listed as an economic order item(low-cost item that may be ordered in a 90-day quantityif cost does not exceed ).Critical Item (CI)The critical item (CI) is a checkmark or “X” if theitem is listed as a critical item.Military Essentiality Code (MEC)The military essentiality code (MEC) is indicatedin the Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List(COSAL) stock number sequence list (SNSL) forrepair parts and equipment-related consumables.Security Classification Code (SCC)The security classification code (SCC) is usedwhen applicable.Shelf-Life Code (SLC)The shelf-life code (SLC) is used when applicable.Pre-Expended Bin (PEB) ItemThe PEB code is a checkmark or “X” used on theNAVSUP 1114 when the item is designated as apre-expended bin item (e.g., nuts, bolts), or when theunit of issue is large.Requisition OutstandingThe requisition outstanding code is the Julian date,serial number, and quantity applicable to eachprocurement document.13-18
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