PREPARING NEW CARDSWhen the original card is filled, prepare a newcard, duplicating the stock item information (exceptfor usage data). Enter the beginning date on the newcard. Bring forward the demand quantity andfrequency demand totals from the old card to the newcard. Also bring forward any requisitions stilloutstanding. Retain the old card, and file it accordingto local policy.POSTING PROCEDURESPost stock record cards daily as receipt and issuedocuments are received. Proper posting proceduresinclude comparing the following data elements onreceipt documents with those on the stock recordcards:Cognizance symbolsNSNUnit of issueUnit priceStorage locationQuantity received with quantity requisitionedIf the data elements on the receipt documents andthe stock record card are in agreement, enter the Juliandate of the receipt and the serial number of the relatedrequisition in the DATE & SER/WCC column. Enterthe quantity received in the RECEIPTS column, andincrease the balance in the ON-HAND column by thequantity received. Draw a single line through theapplicable requisition data for a full receipt (see fig.13-8). For a partial receipt, if there is a suffix code inblock 44 of DD Form 1348-1, draw a single linethrough the quantity and write the outstanding quantitynext to it (fig. 13-8). If there is no suffix code in block44, consider the requisition as complete. For suppliesreceived in excess of the requisitioned amount, refer toNAVSUP P-485.CONTROLLED SUBSTANCESLEARNING OBJECTIVE:R e c a l lsecurity and inventory procedures forcontrolled substances.Naval medical facilities dispensing pharmaceu-ticals range from large medical centers ashore to smallsickbays aboard ships of the fleet. The custodialresponsibility of controlled substances is vested in thecommanding officer. An officer of the MedicalDepartment or, in such an officer’s absence, acommissioned officer designated by the commandingofficer, keeps all unissued controlled substances in aseparate, locked compartment. Controlled substancesinclude tranquilizers, alcoholic beverages, alcohol,hypnotics, stimulants, and narcotics that requirespecial custodial care. Medicinals are designatedcontrolled substances by the symbol “Q” or “R” in thenotes column of the Federal Supply Catalog. The Force13-19PARTIAL QUANTITY RECEIVED, BALANCE DUEPARTIAL QUANTITY RECEIVED, BALANCE CANCELLEDHMf31308252526262727282829293030313132323333343435353636373740404141424243434444454538383939QUANTITYQUANTITYDOCUMENT NUMBERDOCUMENT NUMBERDATEDATESERIALSERIALREQUISITIONERREQUISITIONERAA/L QTYRECEIPTSISSUESATE/R/C REG.DES.ON HANDDQ SFDF SFURGNO.DATE & SER./WCCREQUISITIONS OUTSTANDINGDUE DATESERIAL NO.QUANTITYA/L QTYRECEIPTSISSUESATE/R/C REG.DES.ON HANDDQ SFDF SFURGNO.DATE & SER./WCCREQUISITIONS OUTSTANDINGDUE DATESERIAL NO.QUANTITYFigure 13-8.—Posting partial quantities to stock records.
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