Medical Officer also has authority to designate amedicinal as “controlled.”BULK CUSTODIANThe commanding officer appoints in writing acommissioned officer to serve as the bulk custodian.This officer is responsible for and maintains custody ofall bulk controlled substances.SECURITYSecurity of controlled substances is of utmostimportance. Therefore, access to controlledmedicinals is limited to the bulk custodian and thesenior medical department representative (SMDR).Only individuals whose official duties require accessto such spaces will be provided the safe combinations.ACCOUNTABILITYThe bulk custodian and the SMDR are responsiblefor the receipt and custody of controlled substances.Each unit must maintain a detailed record of thereceipt, transfer, survey, dispensing, and expenditureof controlled substances in accordance withMANMED, chapter 21.INVENTORY BOARDMonthly, or more frequently if necessary, theControlled Substances Inventory Board will conductan unannounced inventory of controlled substances.The commanding officer appoints three members tothis board, at least two of whom are commissionedofficers. The third member is an E-7 or above. Theofficer having custodial responsibility is not appointedto the board. After the board conducts the monthlyinventory, it will submit a report to the commandingofficer.SURVEY OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCESThe survey or inspection of the controlledsubstance inventory will be much easier if you adhereto proper documentation procedures. Destroycontrolled substances in the presence of at least onemember of the inventory board. Make appropriateentries to the stock records and the ControlledSubstances Log. Items are destroyed in a manner thatensures total destruction and prevents subsequent use.The method of destruction must meet federal, state,and local environmental pollution control standards.PROPERTY SURVEYSA property survey is the procedure that is usedwhen Navy property or Defense Logistics Agencymaterial is lost, damaged, or destroyed. The purpose ofa survey is to determine who or what is responsible forthe loss, and to determine the actual loss to the UnitedStates Government. To make a true determination, thefacts surrounding the loss or damage must bethoroughly investigated in a timely manner. The formsdiscussed in the following paragraphs are used inconnection with survey procedures.FINANCIAL LIABILITY INVESTIGATIONOF PROPERTY LOSS, DD FORM 200The Financial Liability Investigation of PropertyLoss, DD Form 200, is used if personal responsibilityis evident, and if the commanding officer or higherauthority so directs.For more detailed information about the surveyprocedures, refer to the NAVSUP Manual, volumes Iand II.CONTINGENCY SUPPLY BLOCKSLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Recallassemblage and management proceduresfor medical contingency supply blocks.At some point in your career, you may be assignedto one of the six types (surgical, medical regulating,preventive medicine, specialist support, specialpsychiatric rapid intervention (SPRINT), orh u m a n i t a r i a n s u p p o r t ) o f M o b i l e M e d i c a lAugmentation Readiness Teams (MMART), to a fleethospital, or to some other contingency-related unit.MMARTs are specialty units that can be deployedanywhere in the world on short notice. The MedicalAugmentation Program (MAP), BUMEDINST6440.5, gives detailed information on policies,procedures, and responsibilities on the various types ofteams. These specialty units require supplies andequipment that may not be available or are in limitedsupply in the area to which deployed. To circumventthis problem, contingency supply blocks have beenestablished.Contingency supply blocks consist of functionallypackaged medical and dental equipment and supplies.Each block is assembled to meet the needs of a specific13-20
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