in DEERS or the survivor is listed as the sponsor,the survivor will be treated on the first visit andreferred to the appropriate personnel office forcorrection of the DEERS database. For secondand subsequent visits, the survivor will berequired to follow the procedure in item 1, above.DEERS ELIGIBILITY EXCEPTIONS.—Thefollowing beneficiaries are categorized as “DEERSEligibility Exceptions.” Although authorized care,they may not be authorized to be enrolled in theDEERS system. These beneficiaries will NOT bedenied care based upon a DEERS check.Secretary of the Navy Designees—Secretaryof the Navy Designees will be treated asindicated on their letter of designation.Foreign Military Personnel—These personneland their dependents, assigned through PersonnelExchange Programs or other means, are or may beeligible. Eligible members may also include—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)military personnel and their dependentsstationed in or passing through the UnitedStates;—crew and passengers of visiting militaryaircraft; and—crews of ships of NATO nations that comeinto port.Other foreign military personnel may be eligible throughPublic Law or DoD agreements. As such, they will betreated in accordance with current service directives.Patients in other organizations, such as Red Crossworkers, Secret Service agents, Federal AviationAdministration personnel, and some non-retireeveterans, to name a few, are also in this category.Ensure current eligibility requirements are met forthese personnel prior to treatment.TRICARETRICARE is an enhancement of the CivilianHealth and Medical Program of the UniformedServices (CHAMPUS). TRICARE is a medicalbenefits program established to enhance managementof care services in military medical treatment facilitiesand to cost-share charges for medically necessarycivilian services and supplies required in the diagnosisand treatment of illness or injury. TRICARE is alsoutilized if the required services are not available fromthe direct care system of the Department of Defensetreatment facilities or designated MTFs.Information pertaining to eligibility, extent ofcare, providers, cost, and claims is contained in thebooklet Sailing with TRICARE, for Sailors and TheirFamilies. A copy of this publication, along with theTRICARE Provider Directory and other helpfulTRICARE information is available at your localTRICARE Service Center. A wealth of guidance isalso available via the DoD TRICARE homepage, MEDICINE’S QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Recall thephilosophy of Navy medicine’s QualityAssurance Program.The Quality Assurance Program is used toevaluate the degree of excellence of the results ofdelivered care and to make improvements so that carein the future will result in a higher degree of quality.Quality assurance activities reflect what patients andproviders expect of each other. In past years, variousmeans of reviewing and evaluating patient care havebeen introduced. In 1979, the JCAH Board ofCommissioners imposed the requirement for hospitalsto coordinate quality assurance activities and to use anongoing monitoring system to review and evaluate thequality and need for care. This approach is effective inidentifying important patient-related problems and isapplicable in every healthcare delivery situation.Many of the principles, standards, and organizationalrequirements of JCAH have been adopted and arecontained in OPNAV 6320.7, Health Care QualityI n s u r a n c e P o l i c i e s f o r O p e r a t i n g F o rc e s .BUMEDINST 6010.13, Quality Assurance Program,lists the required elements for process improvement(quality assurance) programs of naval hospitals,medical clinics, and dental clinics.PATIENT RELATIONS ANDCOMMAND PATIENT CONTACTPROGRAMSLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Recall thephilosophy of the Patient Relations Programa n d t h e C o m m a n d P a t i e n t C o n t a c tProgram.15-3
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